No matter how old I am, I get excited when I get a new device, just like a child who has been given a new toy. The author, who is a self-confessed Apple fan, has been an iPhone geek who has been buying new models every time they are released in the fall for over 10 years since the 3GS era. I’ve opened quite a few iPhones over the years, but no matter how many times I experience that moment of peeling off the film and opening the package.
Today, we’re talking about an Instagrammer who shares useful techniques to make you love your iPhone every day.Shun/Top 5% iPhone usage techniques @shun_iphonePost of“The number of seconds it takes to open an iPhone box”I would like to introduce this to everyone.
Shun/Top 5% iPhone Utilization Techniques recently posted a video on Instagram explaining the secret of the number of seconds it takes to open an iPhone box, along with the following text.
“I can feel Apple’s commitment… Steve Jobs is amazing after all…”
This post has received over 3,000 likes and has become a hot topic on Instagram. So, without further ado, let me explain this post in detail.
It takes 7 seconds to open an iPhone package!
The packaging that the iPhone is packed in has a simple and beautiful design that completely eliminates waste. Normally, most people would throw away the packaging once they get the product inside, but the iPhone box exudes so much style that you’ll want to keep it instead of throwing it away.
(Image provided by “Shun/Top 5% iPhone Usage Techniques (@shun_iphone)”)
According to the poster Shun/Top 5% iPhone Utilization Techniques, iPhone packaging boxes are designed to take 7 seconds to open. The reason why it takes so long to open the package is to give the user the thrill of opening it for the first time. In fact, Shun/Top 5% iPhone Utilization Techniques also opened an iPhone package in a video, and it certainly took exactly 7 seconds to open it.
(Image provided by “Shun/Top 5% iPhone Usage Techniques (@shun_iphone)”)
Furthermore, this “7 seconds” seems to be the exact number of seconds between the feeling of anticipation and feeling of stress. It’s a very interesting package specification that shows Apple’s careful attention to detail, wanting to provide users with an unforgettable moment in their experience.
Why Apple attracts so many fans
Instagram users who saw this post said, “Mine was opened by a store clerk…” and others said that unfortunately the store clerk opened it before they could open it themselves, and “Scientifically… It’s amazing how well it’s adjusted, but it’s not really necessary for practical purposes. I can open it with both hands, lol,” and many other comments were received, including one who said they’d like to open it quickly if they actually want to open it.
Certainly, the more hands you use to open the package, the less seconds it will take to open it. However, once I found out about these gimmicks, I couldn’t help but enjoy them. Some people may see this as a waste of the service spirit, but I think this is what Apple is good at, and why it still attracts so many fans.
Many people today place emphasis on efficiency in everything they do, but isn’t it sometimes important to have the mental space to enjoy things like this?
I tried it to see how many seconds it actually takes!
This post introduces how it takes 7 seconds to open an iPhone package, and the reason for this is Apple’s sense of service to its users.
This trivia has many people reporting how many seconds it took them to open it in the comments section of Instagram. In fact, when I tried it with the package I had, unfortunately it took 6 seconds to reach the near pin, but this is probably within the margin of error.
The new iPhone will probably be announced on September 12th, 2023 at 10am (September 13th, 2am Japan time), so if you found this article interesting, please feel free to share your anticipation and stress. Why not be conscious of the “7 seconds of opening the package” and enjoy it?
I’m looking forward to September 13th at 2am Japan time.
*Thumbnail image (Image: Provided by “Shun/Top 5% iPhone Usage Techniques (@shun_iphone)”)