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The three worst university majors to choose to study, according to AI

Choosing a professional career is a decisive moment in life that many people of different ages face daily around the world. Beyond the passion you may feel for a certain area, it is essential that the chosen profession offers adequate financial compensation and solid demand in the labor market in order to guarantee a decent life in the future.

However, the rapid evolution of technologyin particular artificial intelligence (AI), has begun to significantly transform both the work and educational spheres. Well, it opens a debate due to the automation of tasks and the creation of new professions that replace or improve productivity in activities in which humans are slower, which is why AI is leaving its mark in almost all sectors.

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In this context, it is anticipated that some university courses may lose relevance in the not too distant future. As certain fields become less in demand, some professions could even disappear. For this reason, ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot application developed in 2022 by OpenAI, has carried out an analysis on the three professions that, over time, could become extinct due to the advancement of artificial intelligence.

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What are the professions that could disappear with AI?

One of the professions at risk is data operator”. It is a secret to no one since AI has the ability to process and analyze large amounts of information more quickly and efficiently than humans. This could lead to a significant reduction in roles that focus on data entry and management by the people who are dedicated to it, since automation tools are designed to perform these tasks with greater optimization of time and resources, which can be very beneficial for companies that are constantly seeking to reduce costs and increase profits.

Another sector that is threatened is “tourism or travel advisors.” With the rise of online booking platforms and the personalization of experiences through AI, more and more people are choosing to organize their trips through applications that use algorithms to make recommendations and speed up processes that in some cases take hours. This change could lead to the traditional role of these people becoming obsolete.

Finally, the profession of basic accounting also faces considerable challenges. With the advancement of AI and accounting software, many routine tasks that some people found tedious and required the services of a professional, such as account reconciliation and financial reporting, are being automated and therefore replaced. . This could result in less need for accountants in simpler roles, as businesses could manage their finances more independently and for less costs.

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The solutions

This scenario presents crucial questions about how education should adapt. The Universities and other training centers must recognize these changes and adjust their programs to prepare students for the new work realities that allow them to be competitive in the current context.

Instead of focusing on careers that could become extinct, it is vital to offer training in technological skills and critical thinking, which will be increasingly valued in a constantly changing work environment and with the existence of AI as a permanent tool.

Furthermore, the continuing education and the development of soft skills, such as creativity and adaptability, will be essential in this new challenge, since they are things inherent to humans and that are impossible for machines to replace.

The evolution of technology and AI presents significant challenges, but also opens the door to new opportunities. Although some Professions may disappear, new careers that we cannot yet imagine will emerge. Those who are willing to learn and adapt to these changes will have a better chance of thriving in an uncertain future.

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