Home » today » News » The Three Wise Men from the East are already on the streets of A Coruña | Radio Coruña | Today for Today A Coruña

The Three Wise Men from the East are already on the streets of A Coruña | Radio Coruña | Today for Today A Coruña

The Three Wise Men from the East have already passed through some of the streets of the city of A Coruña. The three of them have done it together on a convertible bus and greeting many neighbors who were in the street and also from their windows. At a slow pace for the little ones to enjoy these peculiar parades marked by COVID-19.

Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar have already passed through Fernández Latorre, Matogrande, Eirís, Torre de Hércules, Plaza de Pontevedra, downtown area and Los Rosales. The tours will continue in the afternoon in the same way so as not to generate crowds. Starting at five o’clock in the afternoon and until nine o’clock a delegation will visit the Pescadería and Monte Alto-Adormideras area passing through the Plaza de Pontevedra, San Andrés, Los Cantones, La Marina, La Dársena, La Maestranza, Plaza de España, Orillamar , Hercules avenue to San Andrés and Ensanche, through Juan Florez and La Falperra. Another entourage will pass through Los Rosales, Paseo de Ronda, the monasteries and Peruleiro. A third float will go through the Catro Caminos-Gaiteira-Os Castros, Elviña-Mesoiro and La Zapateira area towards Palavea.

The Council informs in real time of the visit of their majesties through the municipal website www.coruna.gal and through the Twitter account of the City Council.


The municipality of Oleiros celebrates its traditional parade, with the novelty that it will not make stops to avoid crowds and no sweets will be distributed. The royal procession will leave at four in the afternoon from the parish of Nós, specifically from the Mesón da Auga urbanization, to continue throughout the municipality until reaching the main square of the City Council at eight.


In Betanzos, the Three Wise Men will receive girls and boys on the covered sports courts of O Carregal, starting at five in the afternoon. The City Council indicates that this space has sufficient capacity to maintain the safety distance imposed by the protocols against the pandemic. The little ones will be able to approach within three meters of the Kings.


In Arteixo 200 families have spoken with the Kings online in recent days. Today 400 have registered in the safe circuit located since this morning in the campo da festa to see their Majesties the Magi.


In Culleredo there are parades starting at six in all the parishes and Christmas characters present in all the streets. There is a Cavalcade in Bergondo, from three o’clock and in Abegondo, from three thirty.

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