Second Level
In the second stage, the patient does not experience any symptoms for a long time. People with HIV at this stage will feel healthy and fine, even this stage can last up to 10 years or more. This can trick sufferers so that sufferers may have transmitted HIV through risky activities.
However, inside his body, the virus has spread and damaged the immune system. This is where HIV slowly paralyzes the patient’s immune system, by killing white blood cells called CD 4 T cells.
Third phase
After HIV has succeeded in crippling the immune system, the level of CD 4 T cells has decreased and can be below the normal value of 200. At this stage, the person with AIDS can be diagnosed. This AIDS disease will then make sufferers very susceptible to deadly diseases such as cancer, TB, and pneumonia.
In the third stage, symptoms that are getting worse include:
Fever for more than ten days
· Feeling tired all the time
Difficulty breathing
· Severe diarrhea
Fungal infections of the mouth, throat and genitals
· Purple spots appear on the skin that will not go away
Loss of appetite resulting in drastic weight loss
2023-05-30 04:30:00
#HIV #AIDS #Symptoms #Understand #Mode #Transmission