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The three “singers” who will shake Mexico

As if something was missing from the strange end of the six-year term that we are experiencing, between the imposition of constitutional reforms, strikes in the Judiciarystudent marches, tension with the United States and threats of financial turbulence, in the last month of the administration of the president Lopez ObradoThe statements and court hearings of three Sinaloa Cartel bosses before the American justice system will take place, and what these three figures from the criminal world say and declare will undoubtedly shake up the agitated Mexican political environment.

Because of the confirmation that Ovidio Guzman Lopez “The Mouse” and leader of the Los Chapitos faction left prison and became “protected witness” For the DEA and the Department of Justice, the first court hearings will be held this September Ismael “El Mayo” Zambadathe 9th in New York, and Joaquin Guzman Lopezon the 30th before a federal judge in Chicago.

From these three judicial processes that will take place in the neighboring country, much will come out information on the political networks of protection and complicity that sponsor drug trafficking that occurs in Mexico and they traffic to the United States, including the lethal fentanyl that is now considered a health emergency for the US population.

And it is no coincidence or coincidence that, just in the last month of the six-year term lopezobradoristthe three key witnesses and first-hand sources of information for the US government on how the main intelligence agency operates and acts have been programmed and aligned. Sign Mexican drug lords and leaders have enjoyed protection and impunity for decades, sheltered by Mexican authorities at all three levels of government.

Behind this political and extraterritorial strategy, which managed to bring together the two sons of Chapo Guzman and to May Zambada on United States territory and present them before the justice of their country, is the hand of the DEA, which expelled and mistreated from Mexico by the government of López Obrador, was preparing the ground to obtain, capture and extract the bosses who were not detained by the Mexican government, taking advantage of the covert collaboration of politicians Morenoists from Sinaloa, to whom he offered deals and protection for them and their children, in exchange for their collaboration in order to gather three star witnesses to document the narcopolitics in Mexico.

All of this was done behind the back of the Mexican government and without the national intelligence apparatus detecting the secret negotiations and operations of the DEA who was patiently and coldly putting together what also seems to be his revenge for the snub and expulsion of his agents that he ordered as soon as the government arrived Lopez Obrador.

Therefore, what will come in the next weeksfrom the American courts and agencies, will strongly shake Mexican politics of all times, but especially the current government and its party, whose connections with the Sinaloa Cartel and with huachicolero businessmen like Sergio Carmona, have been thoroughly investigated by the US government, and range from the financing of candidates and campaigns with illegal money, to the protection and impunity enjoyed by the leaders of these criminal organizations.

Just the case of Ovid Guzman and his new status as “protected witness” is something that, whether we like it or not, will directly impact the Lopez Obrador administration, not only because the power of “El Ratón” and his brothers was born and grew in this six-year term, following the extradition, prosecution and life sentence of his father, Joaquín Guzmán Loera, but because it was precisely Ovidio who, after a failed military operation to capture him in Culiacanon October 17, 2019, it was President López Obrador himself who ordered the release, when he had already been detained by the Army and the arrest warrant executed, who has publicly acknowledged on several occasions that he ordered the release of Guzman Lopezwho would later become, along with his brothers, the main importers of fentanyl into the United States.

If we add to that what Ismael Zambada García can reveal, of all the complicit relationships he had in almost 50 years with Mexican authorities at all levels, and particularly with his friends and protectors in the current six-year term, plus what the younger chapito says, it is clear, then, that turbulent times are coming and that the three bosses of Sinaloa Cartelwhich they will sing in C major and sharp before the American judges and agencies, will shake and rattle the Mexican political world and the narcopolitics y narco-governments who sponsored and protected them for many decades.

INDISCRETE NOTES… It could be argued whether, as his fanatical followers say, the president Lopez Obrador “He is the best president of Mexico”; one could even understand, thanks to fanaticism, that the most flattering people affirm that the Tabasco native is at the level of Juárez or Lázaro Cárdenas. But what is not up for discussion and every time she speaks she confirms it herself, is that Luisa Maria Mayor Yes, she will be “the worst Secretary of the Interior in history”; not only because she is only the second woman to occupy that position, but because, if she is compared to all those who have occupied the mythical Bucareli office, including the most perverse, dark or corrupt secretaries of the PRI era or even the PAN members who also passed through there, she has never been Segob I have never had a secretary as irresponsible, fanatical and partisan as the Mayor has been. There was no speech or public appearance in which she did not put her partisanship first and spoke as if she were the leader of Morena –which will soon be the case by presidential recommendation— and completely forgot that her role as the person responsible for the governability of the country required her to act with objectivity and impartiality, beyond her partisan convictions that she always brought to light in her public messages. Not to mention that, as required by law, dialogue and negotiation with the opposition did not even matter to her and that she dedicated herself, day in and day out, to attacking the opposition and exalting and praising the political movement to which she belongs. But the worst example of irresponsibility and shamelessness that Luisa María Alcalde has had, even worse than her illegal departure to anticipate the absolute majority of Morena and its allies just 48 hours after the election, is her decision to resign. the election of June 2was the pitiful and illegal example given yesterday by the Secretary of the Interior when she confused the platform of the Congress of the Union, in the inaugural session of the new legislature, with a political rally and, with the pretext that she was going to deliver the 6th Government Report, she dedicated herself to haranguing and cheering the president and his movement, setting Congress on fire on her first day of work and angering the opposition who incredulously saw a head of the Interior converted into a vulgar cheerleader of Morena. In the end Luisa María, the president’s favorite and very close to his son Andy, not only earned the title of the worst Secretary of the Interior of history; he also won the Presidency of Morena that López Obrador gave him and that he will lead together with his son Andres Manuel Lopez Beltran… Regarding the sixth and final Government report, which ended up becoming a political rally, among the Morena attendees was the senator Felix Salgado Macedoniawho at the end of the event in the Zócalo answered questions from reporters. According to the senator from Guerrero, behind the strike of the workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, which he described as illegal, is the chief minister, Norma Piña, who he insists should be politically prosecuted. And then, when asked if he would miss President López Obrador, Salgado let loose the following pearl of wisdom: “We will never say goodbye to the president. He will always live in our hearts and minds.” Toro sin Cerca has also become a poet… The dice open the week with Serpiente Doble. Turbulent times are coming.

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