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The three prologues are so different

Cyberpunk 2077 could now be played for the first time. Here are the first impressions of the story from the prologue.

With the Night City Wire livestream, developer CD Projekt Red presented new impressions from Cyberpunk 2077 shortly after the postponement of the action role-playing game in November. GameStar colleague Michael Graf already had the opportunity to immerse himself in the prologue of the game and all spend four hours in the open game world of Night City. Here we would like to give you a first impression of the story of the prologue without revealing too much.

Spoiler warning: We explicitly go into the start of the game, but do not reveal any plot twists.

Three ways to start

You decide where your first excursion into the megacity City Night City takes you. You can set a background story for hero or heroine V during character creation. So you can either as Corporate start in the middle of the city center as Nomadic start away from the hustle and bustle in the surrounding area or you embark as Street Kid straight into the gang territory.

As corporate into the fray

Flown in by helicopter, you begin the corporate path as a pretty “shit” in the middle of the high-rise gorges and are equipped with all sorts of cyberware from the start. Below is a small news ticker that provides you with all sorts of information on the top screen. In a seedy neon bar you meet your buddy Jackie – this is the guy with the two-part hairstyle that you already know from previous trailers – and you celebrate that you can stay with the Arasaka Corporation despite a failed mission.

The spin at the end: Without giving away too much, of course you can’t keep all that cyber stuff forever. This is due to an event that we will not tell you here.

You meet the good Jackie Welles in a bar at the beginning of the corporate prologue You meet the good Jackie Welles in a bar at the beginning of the corporate prologue

Off to the pampas as a nomad

As a nomad you start outside of Night City in the middle of the desert, called Badlands. It starts in a small car workshop, where you should first repair your broken cart. Incidentally, this works with a few controller inputs and has no playful claim. And now the good Jackie comes into play again. Because he wants to smuggle a package across the border and guess who should do it for him.

Treason on the street: After you have a short chat in the workshop with the local sheriff, who doesn’t tolerate scum like you, the car takes you out into the open game world or the sad pampas of the Badlands. Once you’ve picked up Jackie, chatted a little with the good, your smuggling job gets really messed up. An actually bribed customs officer reveals you and a few seconds later you have a whole police force on your neck. You will find out how it will continue in November.

First steal a luxury cart as a street kid

If you have little desire for the cybercrime and the pampas at the start, you can play a street kid from the Latino district of Heywood as a third option. And here you first make yourself punishable by stealing a noble sleigh in Japantown. A friend of yours who owns a bar is in debt to a fixer and as it is, you have to pay for the mess.

Oops, that was nothing: But before you get up and away with the classy cyber body – well, what do you think? – logo, the good Jackie around the corner and also wants to mop the car. Just stupid that the police noticed the theft back and forth and V and Jackie first read the Levites. If the whole conversation is still relatively factual, the owner of the luxury cart appears a short time later and has little desire for calm words. We don’t want to tell you what happens to you either.

Impact of your choice

Incidentally, whether you start as a street kid, nomad or corporate not only influences the start of the game. In the later course of Cyberpunk 2077 you will also get additional dialog options and react differently to certain groups. The main story also takes a different course at times.

An example: You have chosen the nomad path, then you will often come across like-minded people during your adventure. Also you know damn well with cars due to the previous history. Sure, after all, you screwed one together at the start of the game.

Everything from the Cyberpunk 2077 prologue

Colleague Michael Graf from GameStar Plus was able to play Cyberpunk 2077 for a full four hours and recorded what he experienced in just over 98,000 characters. He goes from character creation to the first steps in Night City to trips through the game world to a lot of exciting details from the prologue. We have linked his article for you here. Have fun while reading!

Played four hours: this is Cyberpunk 2077


more on the subject

Played four hours: this is Cyberpunk 2077

Disclaimer: To read this article in full, you need an existing GameStar Plus subscription. You can learn more about the prices and benefits of GameStar Plus read here.

Which path will you take first?

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