The former Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, José Luis Ábalos, was summoned yesterday to testify before the Senate investigation commission on the ‘Koldo’ plot. After his intervention, the journalist Silvia Intxaurrondo has shared a three-minute fragment through his Twitter account, ensuring that “Of all the appearance of Ábalos, you cannot miss this”.
Of the entire appearance of Ábalos @abalosmeco …you can’t miss this
— Silvia Intxaurrondo (@SIntxaurrondo) May 6, 2024
During these three minutes, Ábalos answers the question that Angel Pelayo Gordillosenator from Vox, formulates about the contents inside the 40 suitcases who supposedly left the plane in Barajas in which the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, was traveling.
Ábalos’ response on the matter He showed no hint of doubt or insecurity.: “It is one of the best installed hoaxes in this country, suitcases did not exist. So, without suitcases, it is very difficult to talk about contents.” Immediately after making this statement, the person now under investigation continued reaffirming his position that everything is a hoax and demonstrating the impossibility of 40 suitcases fitting on a plane of which “we have all been able to see the size” through some tapes. supposedly secretive ones that saw the light. “Take that plane and put 40 suitcases on it. Plus, we’re going to fill them. What are we going to fill them with? Gold, cocaine, dollars? Put weight on it. Now, try to take off.”
Not feeling his response was enough, he continued emphasizing the work of the State security forces and bodies in charge of ensuring security. “When it is said that 40 suitcases were brought in, The actions of those who have to ensure that nothing enters, which are the State security forces and bodies, are being called into question.. I want to warn you that these were the subject of a complaint, this issue has been judicialized, it is absurd.”
I now have the court of God
Along these lines, he pointed out that the case has already gone through court 31 of the Madrid Court, the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, and even at the European level, has been “absolutely dismissed as inadmissible”. And emphatically, he addressed the Vox senator again: “Tell me what instance, I now have the court of God”.
Aside from this response, Ábalos took advantage of his intervention to clarify the reason why he went to Barajas in 2020: “a successful diplomatic mission”. Thus, he indicated that her presence at the airport responded to the purpose of preventing the Venezuelan vice president, Delcy Rodriguezentered Spain, taking into account the sanctions that fell on her.
Upcoming statements
After the appearance this Monday in the Senate by the former Minister of Transport, the next to declare they will do it on May 27. Specifically, they are the director of INGESA, Alfonso Jiménez Palacios; and the Deputy Director General of Planning and Management of Infrastructure and Means for SecurityDaniel Belmar Prieto.
Later, the May 29, When the plenary session ends, it will be the turn of the director of Railway Materials Disposal (EMFESA)Vicente Calzado Téllez.
As regards the former president of State PortsFrancisco Toledo, will do it May 30together with Michau Miranda Paniagua, ADIF general director of personnel management.
The last to give a statement before the commission will be former president of ADIF and former Secretary of State for TransportIsabel Pardo de Vera, the may 31.
All of them will do so after the commission has already taken a statement from the person themselves. Koldo Garciawhat took advantage of the right not to declare justifying it in that it is already being investigated by the National Court; the former director of Salvador Illa’s cabinet in the Ministry of Health, Victor Francos, who denied in his speech that he had received requests for favors in hiring; and Salvador Illawho stated that Koldo García did appear at the Ministry of Health to promote a company through which to acquire anti-covid material, but it was not purchased.
For his part, the Secretary of Organization of the PSOE, Santos Cerdanhas also already passed through the investigative commission in the Senate, who admitted having brought García to Madrid and that he would feel disappointed if the facts attributed to him were confirmed.