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the three lessons to remember

1. Already very strong local roots

“I arrived twenty minutes ago so I know Thionville very well. “Behind the line of humor slumbers a reality: Édouard Philippe, who arrived on Saturday morning by train, cultivates a strong bond with the city. At least with its first magistrate, Pierre Cuny, with whom a friendly relationship was woven during his time at Matignon: “At that time, I used to call old friends who did not take into account the fact that I am Prime Minister. I also had regular contact with a handful of mayors, chosen for their experience and knowledge of certain subjects. Peter was one of them. The thread never broke.

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A proximity that can be guessed by a familiar familiarity and, above all, by a common horizon. Under the impetus of Pierre Cuny, a local committee of the political party spawned by Édouard Philippe was born in Thionville. Jean-Christophe Hamelin-Boyer, municipal councilor in charge of health issues, will take care of its development. Others, in Lorraine-Nord, are already following the movement, as evidenced by the crowds noted at the Belfry on Saturday morning. “You told me that you would bring together two, three friends for my coming”, pretends to be surprised the mayor of Le Havre in front of a full house. Obviously, many “friends” will accelerate the rooting of his party in local politics, such as the Metz deputies Belkhir Belhaddad and Richard Lioger or the mayor of Montigny-lès-Metz, Jean-Luc Bohl, to name but a few. . It’s a fact: the youth of Horizons contrasts with the experienced politicians who carry their ideas.

2. Reaffirmed support for Emmanuel Macron

Create a party, pose as a legitimate leader to finally put yourself at the service of another: so decided “the favorite political personality of the French”, recalls Pierre Cuny. In Thionville, Édouard Philippe reaffirmed this support for outgoing candidate President Emmanuel Macron: “With modesty, the President’s record is ours and a little mine: I assume it and I defend it, including with its imperfections. . »

In an explosive international context, the former Prime Minister summons the past to justify this position: “Let us not forget that since 2017, Emmanuel Macron has chosen, year after year, to increase the military expenditure of the army […] I trust someone I’ve seen deal with crises. A president who knows how to maintain dialogue while remaining firm on France’s position. »

3. A Horizons candidate for the next Legislative?

His presence will not have escaped anyone. Isabelle Rauch, LREM MP for the 9e constituency, spoke at the Belfry. A speech concluded in these terms: “I welcome with great interest the creation of a Horizons committee to see further with you. “Does the declaration presage a candidacy of the person concerned for the next Legislative elections under the Horizons label? The question seems premature, but it arises: “I have never hidden it, I have always been close to Édouard and his ideas”, recognizes the parliamentarian. Which insists on the fact that the Republic in March can be nourished “by a complementary membership. This is not a change of party, we remain loyal to the president under the banner Ensemble Citoyens. »

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