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the three challenges of the summit between Europe and Africa this Thursday

Security, health and stability are the three common challenges that Europe and Africa want to tackle in order to “change the gameof their relations at the 6th European Union-African Union summit on Thursday and Friday in Brussels.

Tensions with Russia around Ukraine came to a head with an hour-long meeting of the Twenty-Seven “on the latest developmentsof the crisis, before its scheduled opening at 2:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m. GMT).

Forty of the 55 AU member leaders must then meet with their EU counterparts to define this new partnership.

A partnership postulates exchange and sharing“, underlined the President of the European Council, the Belgian Charles Michel, and the President of the African Union, the Senegalese Macky Sall, in a joint forum.

Discussions will take place in seven round tables to “avoid the litany of speeches during a long plenary without results” and “animated exchanges” are expected, explained the organizers of the summit.

Emmanuel Macron made it a highlight of the French presidency of the Council of the EU. “We want a game-changing summit“, we insist in Paris.

But Europe will not be able to help an Africa where instability and insecurity reign, warns the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell. Coups d’etat, conflicts, terrorism, human trafficking, piracy plague the continent and have an impact on Europe, underlines Mr. Borrell.

The African Union has suspended Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea and South Sudan after coups. Their new leaders will not take part in the Brussels summit which will end on Friday at midday with a joint statement on the new relationship.

Africa has the choice of its partners

An announcement from the Elysée was expected on the withdrawal from Mali of the French forces of Barkhane, the anti-jihadist operation in the Sahel, and of the European group of special forces Takuba, initiated by Paris in 2020. A repositioning in another African country is being studied. .

The instability of the African continent is fueled by “the new actors“Chinese and Russians”whose methods and agendas are very different from ours“, states Josep Borrell.

The actions in several African countries of mercenaries from the private Wagner group, led by men close to the Kremlin – which Moscow denies -, “are an example of Russian destabilization efforts in regions that are important for the EU“, underlines a European official.

On this continent, rich in raw materials, the great powers, led by China, are engaged in a struggle for influence.

Africa is courted and has the choice of its partners“, it is argued in Brussels. The partnership proposed by the EU is intended to be “innovative” and “respectfulof African countries.

But he is “no question of evacuating the subjects of respect for the rule of law and human rights because they are the foundation of our relations with Africa“, say the EU institutions.

Self-sufficiency to fight against Covid-19

The fight against the pandemic is another priority. “This summit offers a unique opportunity to take concrete steps that bring Africa closer to self-sufficiency in the fight against Covid-19“, says Edwin Ikhuoria, head of the NGO ONE.

Only 11% of the population of the African continent is fully vaccinated.

Neither Africa nor Europe can depend on outside actors for such vital productions“says Josep Borrell. The EU will support vaccine production centers in Senegal, Rwanda, Ghana and South Africa.

The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen presented last week in Dakar a global investment strategy endowed with 150 billion euros over 7 years for Africa.

Few indications were provided on the origin of the funds but “we are not taking anything from anyone in the European budget“, assured his services.

These funds are intended tohelp projects wanted and supported by Africans for the transformation of their economies. No more telling them what to do. This is the new deal of partnership“, we underline in Brussels.

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