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The threats of the New PCI, La Russa: “The proscription list on pro-Israel politicians and journalists is a danger to security”

A long list of proscriptions divided into seven categories that lists people and companies accused by the New Communist Party of having supported Israel. A list that the president of the Senate, Ignatius LaRussacalled it “a serious and unacceptable attack on freedom of thought and a worrying threat to the safety of those involved”.

“I find it very serious that the new Communist Party has published on its website the names and surnames of politicians, journalists and businessmen, “guilty” of having supported Israel,” explained the second highest office of the State. “In extending my sincere closeness to all those who have been included in this shameful proscription list, I hope for firm and unanimous condemnation.”

The proscription list

Nell’Notice to mariners 145” of the New PCI seven appear liste that correspond to as many categories. The first concerns Israeli companies operating in Italy and the representatives who manage them. They range from financial and insurance companies to medical and healthcare companies: more than fifty names between companies and managers, followed by over 100 people who represent the categories of the “political parties of the Large Agreements” and of the people “present in the Italian mass-media and cultural system”. And it is precisely this last list that is the most substantial, with about ninety people.

The Democratic Party’s condemnation

“A delirious statement from an anti-Semitic group, calling itself the New Italian Communist Party, is circulating in these hours, which draws up a proscription list of people, associations, entities and companies to be boycotted and hit for their relations with Israel and the Jewish world – the Democratic Party comments in a note -. It is the umpteenth episode in a long series of anti-Semitic acts that take us back to very dark times in the history of Europe. Solidarity with the people and organizations involved. We will present a question to the Chamber, the Senate and the European Parliament to ask for protection for the people involved and to be certain that the Ministry of the Interior is acting immediately and firmly to prosecute those responsible for that list and to stem the growing phenomena of anti-Semitism”.

Solidarity from Brothers of Italy

“The list of proscription of “Zionists” released by the new Italian Communist Party is disturbing. I express full solidarity with all those who have been included and are exposed to possible violent acts by the not infrequent fanatics. In particular, the entire group of senators of Fratelli d’Italia stands with colleague Esther Mieli. Unfortunately, this ‘new PCI’ is not alone in fomenting hatred towards Israel and consequently towards all those who do not fall in line with the accusations of genocide. Too often, slogans for a ‘free Palestine from the River to the Sea’, that is, for the annihilation of the State of Israel, have been tolerated in left-wing demonstrations and too often – as in this disturbing list – the hatred seems more concentrated on Jews in general than on Israeli political choices. Anyone who does not agree should openly dissociate themselves”, declared the president of the senators of Fratelli d’Italia, Lucio Malan.

Italia Viva: “Delirious list”

“The proscription list of alleged ‘Zionist agents’, published on the website of the so-called New PCI, is simply delirious. An event that demonstrates how anti-Semitism is a real and growing danger in our country”, says the senator of Italia Viva, Raffaella Shirtnational coordinator of the party. “The long list includes companies, but also entrepreneurs, journalists and politicians of different backgrounds and orientations, all accused of being “trusted persons” of a phantom “Zionist entity”. Our solidarity goes out to them. We hope that clarity will be made – adds the senator Iv – on who is behind the publication of these serious documents”.

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– 2024-09-01 06:52:26

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