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The Threats and Criticisms Surrounding Sigrid Kaag: A Political Analysis

About the emo caravan around Sigrid Kaag

The Netherlands is one of the few Western and – at least in our eyes – most modern countries where a political murder was committed not so long ago. We also have a politician – with whom you really don’t have to agree – who is under heavy security due to a life-threatening threat, and no longer has a private life. He’s not the only one. Threatening, intimidating, inciting hatred and violence, discrimination or misogyny: it is reprehensible, extremely wrong. Every report is justified, and hopefully these people will be dealt with harshly, without pity, without compassion.

Falsely accusing the above of people who criticize content, use satire, or who simply disagree with your political beliefs is equally wrong. It is false rhetoric, weak and also transparent to be able to stay away from a substantive reply by lumping these people together with menacing thugs. Such false accusations also lead to enormous damage and may also lead to equally harsh charges and convictions on the part of the accuser.

All that threatening and intimidating is not necessary at all. There is enough substantive criticism: where is the promised new leadership? Where is that sharp debate on the content, without mudslinging and without polarization? Where is the focus on solving problems that were partly caused, such as the benefits affair? Where is work being done to restore trust in politics? Where does MinFin put money to money instead of allowing the government debt to rise to Southern European proportions? Where is the feeling with the highest priority of what is acute among the Dutch (being able to pay monthly bills, for example), but meanwhile dumping many billions of our money in a cesspool under the guise of the climate, without any serious substantiation?

The list goes on for a while. The way of acting, the way of talking, it shows an arrogance, a decadence, an unworldliness, an unshakable narrow belief in The Climate and The Solution, an oppressive meddling in the capillaries of society, an inability to address real concerns in the to recognize society and then to govern it decisively.

Yes Sigrid Kaag, all this is the image that now prevails about you in the Netherlands, outside of your ever-shrinking D66 bubble. See, expressing criticism without threats, hate or intimidation is fine, folks. Not everyone is eloquent, and frustration manifests itself in many forms. Substantive criticism has nothing to do with her being a woman. People in positions that promise a lot and then fail to deliver are rightly criticized. With position comes criticism and satire. It’s part of equality. The pleasures and the burdens. Maybe some women just need to get used to that?

Directors have an exemplary function for society. Membership of Parliament was once one of the highest attainable offices, but the behavior of MPs is nowadays lower than what you find in the corners of Twitter. People cause this misery themselves, and D66 behaves no better than their so-called nemesis, PVV or FVD.

Our beautiful country, where we had become so good at administrative poldering and had empathy or at least respect and tolerance for other ideologies, where ‘Purple’ was perhaps too soft and looked away from problems, has slipped into ministers and MPs who are still always looking away from the real problems but only playing their sad role of shit-throwing monkeys in their own theatrical play. Intimidation and threats are therefore totally reprehensible, but what do you all provoke yourself, we certainly did not expect this sad level from a party of highly educated and self-described people.

Wait a second. Els Breast?
It is, of course, terrible to hear your own children talk about fears that their mother will be harmed. People, do you live in the impact on such a family for a moment. Act normal.

Exemplary of how D66 is in its own bubble, however, was the comment that they were afraid that what Els Borst was done to her would be done to her. uh, wait a minute? Former minister Els Borst, for whom we had a lot of respect, was the victim of a drop-out man who killed her, he also killed his own sister. A man who should have been in a closed institution, but was not, partly because cabinets (including D66) did not properly organize mental health care. This was not a political assassination. Not political assassination, but the failure of a welfare state.

Pim Fortuyn – you can also completely disagree with that, in our opinion the man rightly pointed to problems, but was not automatically the solution – would have been the correct comparison that could have been made here: someone who is deliberately black because of politics and the media created, excluded, and killed. A politician murdered in the Netherlands, our beautiful democratic country. Unthinkable! Yet it happened. But yeah. Els Borst was D66. Fortuyn was of a different blood group. Wilders is of a different blood group.

Tired of work
We would never, never, ever bow to threats or intimidation. Keep that back straight! But sometimes children are smarter than their parents. Please stop, or don’t get into politics at all. Not because of the threat. But because of the content… (…or lack thereof). You wish Baudet and Wilders also had children like that, firstly to get some humanity and love in them, and secondly just to get some more honest and down-to-earth feedback from those they love.

And unfortunately – we too – let ourselves be tempted to discuss a meta-subject again, as a result of which we all once again lose focus on the real issues: affordable energy, affordable houses, lower costs instead of road pricing and numerous tax increases, a grip on state expenditure, less government interference in how we organize our lives, conversations about what binds us and where we want to go alone, about the content; reliable, proper and decisive management; decent care and a reliable pension; asylum (hundreds of missing children!); benefits affair (children removed!) And of course: proper education, because our children are becoming less smart – soon they will all go into politics!

So work was done. For a new cabinet.

2023-05-28 11:37:41

#GeenStijl #Sam #Bal #Politicians #deserve #smarter #kids

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