Drought and rising temperatures are not the only issues related to the global warming to brake. Around the world, many destinations are threatened by the rising waters. According to the different scenarios, the experts estimate that New Yorkand in particular the island of Manhattan, could experience a rise in water levels of 20 to 75 cm by 2050.
In Franceone in ten coastal dwellings would be subject to flooding by the end of the century according to a study by the cabinet Callendar, which proposed at the beginning of the year an analysis of the impact of the risk of submersion on the tricolor real estate market.
To The Netherlandsof which a quarter of the territory is below sea level, two thirds of economic activity is exposed to the risk of submersion and flooding, indicated the Caisse des Depots last March. The Dutch meteorological institute KNMI has estimated that by 2100 the sea level off the coast of the Netherlands could rise by 1.2 metres.
2023-05-26 07:33:31
#York #sofa #satire #warn #rising #waters