With colorful programs for children and adults, the traditional family day was held on September 16 at LightTech Lámpatechnológia Kft. However, this occasion was more special than the others, as they were celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the company. The participants of the family day were also greeted by mayor Csaba Dióssi, who spoke with appreciation about the work of the internationally renowned company and its role in Dunakeszi’s life.
As he said, LightTech Kft. plays a very important role in the life of the city, which has been developing dynamically for the past 30 years. From the beginning, it was able to occupy very important positions in the international market, but it has a product – the solarium pipe – that makes it the market leader in the world. In Dunakes, the company is considered one of the best taxpayers, and the factory, which employs about 700 people, is one of the pillars of the city’s development, providing work to many Dunakes residents.
The mayor sees that the company is a very close-knit community, they are also involved in various events of the city, for example they were present and performed very well in the city 7-trial competition of the Dunakeszi Fest in September. “In my opinion, LightTech is a cohesive, competitive company that is suitable for the international market and pays good taxes,” summed up Csaba Dióssi.

The city manager said that Dunakeszi is also attractive to other companies, as it has a good infrastructure and all services are available. There is good traffic in the direction of the highways and the railway, so current and future companies can conduct their commercial activities well, in addition, there are several industrial parks in the city, and they can carry out their activities in a cultured place. It can be attractive that the city’s population is highly educated, the number of graduates is outstanding, which is a serious attraction for companies – finally explained the mayor, who treated the celebrated community with a huge photo of the LightTech team starting at the Dunakeszi Fest 7 trial.

István Hősi, the managing director of LightTech Lámpatechnólógiai Kft., was happy to receive the mayor’s words of praise, which he also reciprocated, since – as he said – their company also received a lot from Dunakeszi, in any direction of development or progress. He expressed his gratitude for all of this and hopes that they will celebrate many more such birthdays together.
The executive greeted the family day participants, colleagues, family members, and friends. He highlighted: LightTech is thirty years old, but there is another very important round number, 40.
“Perhaps few people know, or not everyone knows, 40 years ago our owner and founder, Krisztián Sauska, founded the American company called Light Sources with several of his own, and from there the development started, which resulted in the registration of LightTech Kft. in Hungary ten years later in 1993 won, and after some searching for a place, it found a home here in Dunakeszin, where – I think it can now be said from the perspective of 30 years – it continues the traditional lamp manufacturing culture in Hungary as a good farmer,” said the executive.

István Hősi then spoke in detail – showing the old photographs on display – about the beginnings, when there was only the yellow house, then they gradually expanded and in the early 2000s they opened a glass factory on the premises, which represented an important economic strategic step. Today, in a unique way, their special glass is made in two furnaces, which gives them an advantage over their competitors. The years 2000, 2004 and 2006 marked a turning point in the development, when mass production of the germicidal lamp began, and in 2017 they were expanded with the delivery of a new production hall.
In thirty years, the world has changed a lot, the industry has changed a lot – we finally heard from the managing director – who believes that, in addition to the appropriate ownership commitment and a very good strategic direction, the fact that they have reached this point is also due to the self-sacrificing work of their colleagues.

The co-managing director, Péter Sauska, highlighted in his festive greeting: the company was founded 40 years ago by a Hungarian specialist in the United States of America, and began operating there, which it continued to do together with the Hungarian company for 30 years. “We believe – seeing the committed ownership background – that we will still be here in 30 years!” – said the young manager, who considers the analysis and utilization of the lessons of the past four decades important for the continued success of the company in their daily work. He considers it mandatory to preserve the seven basic pillars that the five founders developed in an American garage 40 years ago, thanks to which the now world-famous LightTech employs 1,000 people, including nearly eighty residents of Dunakes.

LightTech employees, together with their families, the company’s owners and managers, celebrated the significant event with meaningful cultural programs at the airport in Dunakes.
Photo: KesziPress