Home » today » News » The third trial of serial rapist Florian Varin opens this Monday before the Assises de Montauban

The third trial of serial rapist Florian Varin opens this Monday before the Assises de Montauban

Serial rapist Florian Varin will be tried for the third time before the Assises du Tarn-et-Garonne. The man is charged with six rapes, sexual assault and attempted murder.

The third trial of Florian Varin begins this Monday, October 18, 2021 before the assizes of Tarn-et-Garonne and should last a week. The man, now 29, was appearing for six rapes committed in Niort, Rennes and Toulouse between 2011 and 2012, but also for sexual assault and attempted murder.

Florian Varin was first tried by the Haute-Garonne Assize Court in June 2015. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison. The man then appealed against this decision.

In March 2018, the Tarn Assize Court sentenced him to the same sentence. But a procedural flaw during this second trial annuls the verdict. The president of the Assize Court had rejected a request for a psychiatric expertise formulated by the lawyers of the accused. Without this issue being debated between all parties, as required by law. The defense had therefore filed an appeal with the Court of Cassation.

A third trial, if it constitutes a “chance” for the accused, represents a new ordeal for the victims. These young women have already undergone two assize trials, during which they had to relate – and above all – relive their ordeal.

Ten years after the events, the victims will have to face their executioner. The one who was abandoned by his mother at the age of eight, has been described in previous trials as a sexual predator, without any empathy, dangerous for society.

It was his last crime, perpetrated in Toulouse in November 2012, which had allowed his identification and his arrest. He had raped, assaulted, attempted to strangle and left for dead in a garbage container a young woman of 25 years.

This third trial could be held behind closed doors.

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