Followers of the Thionville semi will no longer have any excuses. The organizers have listened to them and the start will be given earlier, namely 9am. As a bonus, the beginning of the route and the return will be modified. Get your bibs, the meeting is fixed for Sunday, April 23. Registrations are possible until the day before.
07:00 | updated at 21:52
Departure too late, monotonous route, refueling not plentiful enough… These are the opinions issued during the last half of Thionville in May 2022. The organizers, namely the Municipal Sports Office, the City, the Radio amateurs, the Foca and the Lions club Thionville-Lorraine have decided to review their copy. “We took advantage of the work of the BHSN to re-certify the course, announces Aldo Giuliano, president of the WHO. We had a hard time finding a coherent layout. In the end, the departure and the arrival will be modified. We will always start from boulevard Foch but we will then take rue Lazare-Hoche, then Pépin-le-Bref and Berthe-au-Grand-Pied. The return will be via Boulevard Charlemagne. The passage in the city will therefore be more important. Another novelty, of size: the time. “From now on, the runners of the semi will leave at 9 a.m., those of the 10 km at 9:30 a.m. “As for supplies, there were indeed some hesitations in 2022 due to the heat. The water had failed. “We have reviewed the quantities. There will be a refreshment point every 5 km and a drop-off point between. »
The Lions club, the Foca, the Radio amateurs and the WHO are the linchpins of the semi. Photo RL /Sabrina FROHNHOFER
1,200 runners expected
In 2022, 1,250 runners crossed the finish line. “We hope for the same, that’s why we haven’t increased our prices. » Currently, you are 600 registered. “We are stretching our backs, nationally, the racing statistics announce a 35% decrease compared to 2019 and before Covid”, admits Patrick Scheins, the president of Foca.
As for the course of the day, two hundred volunteers are needed. “We have the support of the 40th RT but we need 52 signalmen. You also have to hold the supplies, the refreshment bar, ”adds Aldo. Radio amateurs will be present as well as civil protection in case of problems. As for the benefits of the event, they will be used to finance projects for children with cancer, “one of the causes defended by the Lions club”, specifies François-Xavier Baroth. “And we still have a record to beat which dates back to 2002, namely 1 hour and 2 minutes! In 2022, Fidelio covered the 21 km in 1h09 despite the heat. Our route remains a reference for time trial enthusiasts”, appreciate the organizers who have been working on this race for almost a year.
Registration on the WHO website until April 21. Withdrawal of bibs on Saturday April 22 at the Paul-Dalmar gymnasium in Thionville. Departure at 9 a.m. on March 23 for the semi, at 9:30 a.m. for the 10 km.