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The therapeutic theater at 100%

In the middle of this month, they will begin to give obradoiros at the Espazo Xove and at the Berdillo social center, a quarterly training in which registrations are still open.

04 ene 2022 . Updated at 05:00 h.

The Carballesa actress Mara TasendeThe mess you leave, Riot Control, Wolf Killer …– teach from the middle of this month, and until the end of March, of theater workshops in his native municipality. A formation, therefore, with character quarterly, and that it will have two locations: the Espacio Xove, on Valle Incln street, for young people between 14 and 30 years old, and the social center of Berdillo, in collaboration with the Arume association, where people of all ages can go, from children to veterans, as she describes herself on Radio Voz. In the case of Espazo Xove, classes will be on Thursdays, from January 13 to March 31, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and in Berdillo, on Wednesdays (there will be groups by age). The places are limited and the covid protocol will be complied with at all times, so those interested in attending should not delay long: in the case of Espazo Xove, to sign up, Call from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at 881 880 421 (or write to [email protected]), while for Berdillo the contact number is 677 342 390, also valid for requesting more information.

Start your year with an activity that allows you to have fun, while freeing up your expressive ability and improving your attention and concentration., invites Mara Tasende. From behind, convers with Fran Rodrguez in you from Bergantios about these workshops in which registrants will be able to play, improvise, make contact with oneself, with others, with the environment, let go …. For Tasende, the phrase play and take out the inner child we all carry inside, let it release and express itself it could be the best summary of what is intended. Help disinhibit, potential socialization … The therapeutic theater at 100%, concludes. Past experiences, in fact, have worked very well for him. It evokes the spring workshop at Espazo Xove: There was a lot of talent, if any of them wanted to be able to do it, for sure.

After a few years focused on the audiovisual, Carballesa is now touring Galicia with a theatrical show entitled Soga e cinto, with 11 actresses on stage, a play that deals with the witch hunt for women during the Inquisition. Tasende comes to release also a couple of short and even picking up an award for best actress in Chicago: It surprised me. Therefore, what better godmother to approach the world of tables. Unforgettable her character of Juliana in Acacias 38.

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