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The Therapeutic Benefits of Hand-Knitting for Mental Health

Knitting by hand: a beneficial activity for mental health.

Since its origins, human beings have sought new ways to improve their quality of life; from the invention of rudimentary elements that helped in hunting and gathering in the first civilizations, of which there is ample historical evidence, to elements oriented towards rituals, aesthetics, among others.

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Within these advances, work with fibers appears, and eventually weaving as one of the many techniques that have been developed over the years. Ancient Peru was not exempt from this reality, since pre-Columbian societies knew the art of weaving very well and it was extremely valuable within their lives.

Beautiful pieces made with camelid fibers and cotton show the relevance of this art that was used to make clothes, but also to spread ideas and carry messages, give gifts, distinguish social classes and had a large amount of information to its credit.

Naturally, time does not pass in vain and those who today work within the weaving industry on different scales know it well; The techniques have varied, have been reinvented and diversified, but the fabric itself has not stopped having part of the essence with which it was conceived and, within it, its dimension as a form of expression has grown exponentially and It has also become synonymous with well-being in both the physical and mental area.

To talk about how knitting is currently an activity that positively contributes to people’s well-being, it is necessary to talk about one of the most difficult modern times we have faced: the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic brought with it an increase in mental disorders. Photo: Composition

Infobae Peru spoke with Karlyn Rolas Talavera, director and founder of the Lima Teje festival, who explained that there is indeed a before and after regarding the pandemic and its relationship with an explosion in the practice of weaving. During this time, a greater enthusiasm for this activity could be seen, which long ago seemed reserved only for the mothers and grandmothers of the home.

Unfortunately, the emergency brought with it not only a sea of ​​creativity, but also left behind a series of problems and deep emotional wounds in thousands of people who suffered irreparable losses.

Entities such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or Unicef ​​have alerted about the mental health problems suffered by a large part of the population in Latin America.

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On the other hand, a report from the Ministry of Health (Minsa) revealed that mental health care increased from 400,000 to more than a million during the emergency, with anxiety, depression, abuse syndrome, and emotion disorder and behavior only some of the main pathologies that afflict citizens. A situation that is, to say the least, worrisome.

In this context, activities such as knitting are presented as an option that could be beneficial and contribute significantly to improving mood and personal well-being.

Karlyn explained some of the main benefits that weaving provides in the area of ​​mental and physical health and well-being for people who enjoy this art, but also for those who wish to enter this fascinating world.

Discover the benefits of knitting by hand. The art of weaving generates endorphins: Also known as the “happiness hormones”, they are responsible for producing a sense of tranquility and well-being.

“I strongly believe that knitting is an addictive activity because it generates endorphins. Once you finish a project, the feeling is not the same as when you paint. By painting, you leave your mark on the canvas, you express yourself and you can wear it at home, but you can’t take it everywhere. Instead, with knitting, you can take it with you and proudly say, ‘I made it, I spent so much time, I used such materials, it took me a year, two months, a week, whatever.’ There is a feeling of affection and dedication implemented in this work”, assured Karlyn.

An activity that helps to meditate: For the director of the Lima Teje Festival, knitting allows you to enjoy a moment of personal peace. Undoubtedly, spaces that are necessary within the usual rhythm that most people have in their daily activities. Promotes concentration: When weaving it is necessary to maintain focus on the work that is being done, therefore, it is a good way to concentrate .A form of expression: Karlyn highlighted in an interview the great importance and positivism behind this activity for personal and mental help, since it allows people to express emotions that are often repressed.

“Your state of mind greatly influences when making art on a loom. For example, the choice of colors says a lot about your situation and is a way of expressing yourself. As psychologists say, it is necessary to remove it in order to free yourself. Then, knitting becomes a way to channel those hidden or uncontrollable emotions and express them into something tangible, that you can see and wear with pride. I think it is a very effective tool to release emotional burdens, such as anxiety and stress, and let them go. In the fabric, the work speaks for itself”, argued the director and founder of the Lima Teje festival.

Create new ties and friendships: Today there is a large community of weavers and weavers in various parts of Peru, in this way, many people who start in the work manage to insert themselves into small communities and connect with each other.

“Just create another group of friends that is also getting stronger because it is part of the activity that you are now undertaking,” he said.

It makes you more aware of your body: Although it seems like an activity in which only the hands are involved, the reality is far from it, since the whole body is involved from the choice of a good posture that allows for proper knitting, to the performance of exercises and stretches to keep the muscles involved in doing this work in good condition and avoid ailments due to bad practices.

Another extremely important factor when talking about weaving is undoubtedly the opportunity for growth that it has represented for many people who have found in this activity an open door to start businesses and improve or revive their household economy.

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In this sense, Karlyn stressed that it is necessary to “remove that false belief that you cannot live from knitting”, since today it represents a profession that has the same value as any other and requires a period of training and growth.

“There’s this negative thinking that it’s not worth doing if you don’t get paid. I think many people may have this idea, so it is important to give it the right place so that people feel safe and empowered to do this activity without fear. It is necessary for people to recognize that it is an activity that deserves to be valued in its entirety and that it can generate significant remuneration, both locally and internationally,” he declared.

It is not a secret that these are difficult times worldwide due to the little care that human beings have had of nature. This is reflected in the sudden changes in the climate, as a result of global warming or the appearance of various unusual natural phenomena. Pollution is also presented as a real problem that has mobilized thousands of people to opt for lifestyles that contribute to caring for the environment.

Caring for the environment has become an important factor.

Thus, Karlyn Rolas argued that we are in a time of more conscious consumption, highlighting that in Peru we have the best fibers in the world, which are also sustainable.

“If you are going to spend time making fabrics, it is important that you do it in a conscious and sustainable way. By working with acrylic fibers, they remain in the environment for longer. However, if you work with natural fibers, whether of animal or vegetable origin, you are contributing to a more conscious and sustainable consumption in the world. Both options have their advantages and neither is bad in and of itself. When choosing between them, each person can take into account their budget and preferences. In both cases, high-quality products and great options have been developed,” he said.

Likewise, she assured that choosing to knit garments instead of acquiring them contributes to caring for the planet.

“Now people think more before buying certain clothes. You can see a garment in a store and think: ‘I better knit it myself with a more beautiful, durable fiber and maybe at the same price’. Thus, we can have in our wardrobe pieces made by ourselves, which will last longer and have a sentimental value when saying: ‘I did it myself’. From there also arises the idea of ​​sustainability in our consumption ”, he mentioned.

The world of weaving has endless opportunities to offer and it is, undoubtedly, an activity that has achieved popularity, for this reason, the Lima Teje Festival is held for the third time in Lima, which, in addition to bringing together businesses in this sector and offering workshops, masterclass and various free activities; It will allow those who start in this world to know a little more about it and find everything they need to get started.

The festival takes place today, June 15, starting at 10:00 am at the Miraflores Hilton hotel, and will end tomorrow, Sunday. Tickets have a value of S/ 20 soles and are valid for both days.

There are no limits to learning this fascinating work.

Finally, Karlyn Rolas assured, before ending the interview, that to start weaving “all you need is a desire to learn and patience.”

“I would simply tell them dare to do it, it is wanting to do it, daring and patience no more. What catches their attention is to try it. What could be the worst? That they don’t like it, try something else, I have always said that the fabric has something magical, so when it hooks you it is very difficult to let go”, he pointed out.

2023-07-16 13:53:42
#art #weaving #positive #activity #physical #mental #wellbeing

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