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The theologian-akyn in the staff of Ozenmunaigas and other violations in subsidiaries were revealed by the commission

news-id-110583" style="display:inline;">The special working group of KMG continues its work in Zhanaozen.

Visits to the enterprises of the city, meetings with labor collectives are carried out daily, complaints and wishes of workers are heard. In addition, KMG specialists check reporting documentation for financial and economic activities.

“To date, intermediately, dozens of violations have been identified, which will subsequently be given a legal assessment,” the company said in a statement.

The head of the working group, Dauletzhan Khasanov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of KMG, spoke about some of them.

Thus, according to Dauletzhan Khasanov, cases of fictitious employment of employees were found in Ozenmunaigas JSC (OMG). In addition, the company, first as a full-time theologian, and then as a public relations specialist, included a well-known Aktau akyn-aytysker.

– There are facts of staff recruitment out of turn or without any compliance with qualification requirements and sufficient work experience in the narrow specialties of repair units, – explained the head of the working group.

As he noted, when reconciling the GPS data of a number of trucks with time sheets, inconsistencies were found.

– That is, the cars drove the actual time, and in the time sheets these indicators and, accordingly, payments for the work done were overestimated, – Dauletzhan Khasanov shared.

The working group also identified a case where the cost of services for renting oil-producing equipment was overestimated. Thus, one of the service companies provided OMG with a universal electric centrifugal pump for rent at a price of 96,000 tenge, including well/day. Renting exactly the same pump to another oil producing company in the region cost two times cheaper, namely 39.7 thousand tenge per well/day.

Another example was given by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of KMG from the field of procurement.

In particular, OMG purchased 14 well workover lifting units (APRS). The total amount of the transaction exceeded 1.5 billion tenge.

– The delivery date was listed as December 31, 2022. During the audit, it was found that only one of the 14 units was delivered within the specified period. In the reporting documentation, it is listed as new. However, the check showed that its components were outdated long ago, many parts were simply missing, and power structures were completely dangerous to use. To hide this fact, the rusting body and metal structures of the chassis were repainted black, – the deputy chairman of the national company explained.

The working group also gave recommendations and instructions to OMG and oilfield service companies to eliminate violations of industrial and environmental safety standards. For example, at a number of facilities there are no design documents for buildings and structures, there are inconsistencies in the ventilation system with safety requirements. Environmental standards are not observed during repair work at wells, including the absence of protective films during underground and major workover of wells, embankments are used as barns, and oil-contaminated soil is not removed in a timely manner.

Separately, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of KMG focused on checking complaints from employees of Zhanaozen enterprises. As it turned out, in some contracting organizations of OMG there are facts of delays in pension contributions for two to three months. In addition, it turned out that employees of transport contractors are not provided with overalls and food, and cases of exceeding the duration of overtime work have been recorded. For each given fact, appropriate measures will be taken.

– In general, the work continues. These were only local examples of violations identified. We will regularly inform the public about new facts. A legal assessment will be given for each item of identified violations. All those responsible will be punished depending on the severity of the violations. We will hand over the relevant documents to law enforcement agencies,” Dauletzhan Khasanov summed up.

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