Home » today » Entertainment » The theater mafia protested against Slavi Binev! – 2024-03-03 10:33:23

The theater mafia protested against Slavi Binev! – 2024-03-03 10:33:23

/ world today news/ Prof. Miroslava Kortenska accused BNT of propaganda because of the coverage of the protest against Slavi Binev. The famous cultural expert even calls for CEM to punish the public media.

– Prof. Kortenska, how will you comment on the scandal with the appointment of Slavi Binev as head of the cultural committee in the parliament?

– I am outraged by BNT. Today in “The day begins with culture” something was done that does not meet any journalistic rules, especially in a public media. The propaganda was cruel! Every guest who came to present some cultural event was first asked what he thought about the appointment of Slavi Binev. In the studio there were two very experienced journalists, fighters for freedom of speech – Ivo Injev and Emi Baruch. According to the normal rules of journalism, when there is an issue, there are always 2 points of view. However, they broke this rule and used the airwaves for propaganda. The head of the SEM, Georgi Lozanov, should immediately report himself and punish them. It does not matter who is being spoken against, but that the other point of view is not taken. Otherwise, it becomes like the protest organization that wanted to turn Sofia University into a propaganda machine and use the students.

– Is the problem in propaganda?

– Society must understand that in the 21st century we will not be a civilized country if we turn such large national institutions as BNT, BNR and SU into propaganda centers. What BNT allowed itself shows that Slavi Binev really has the right to protest when he showed the footage against them and that the media is being used for propaganda. Now is the time for society to give a clear signal that since this television is supported by our taxes, it cannot set us up for any goals, but must be objective. The situation was the same in BTV, where they don’t stop their guests when they make one-man propaganda against Slavi Binev, etc.

– But what is this due to?

– I want to say to this “Protest Network”, which appears on all occasions, that these actions actually work against them. Many of the people who speak against Binev and do analyses, start saying that if he is multak #10, then multak #1 is Vezhdi Rashidov. They begin to speak quite seriously against Borissov and his way of governing. Be very careful, as these old propaganda tricks may work against them.

– But many theater artists are also protesting…

I have spoken many times about the mafia of the theater, how it steals from culture and how the goal of these people is only to be recognized. Here, for example, is Sasho Morfov, who resigned. He suffers from a disease of being the hero and being the center of all events. When you do a play at 5 years old or “Hushes” at 10 years old, you can’t be the greatest. You have to show your talent all the time, not have to remember what someone once did. I will remind you of something else – when he was the chief director of the National Theater, he was wanted by the Audit Office because he was not at his place of work. Instead of being in Bulgaria, he made productions abroad for large fees, which is a violation of his professional obligations. This was published by the Audit Office.

– Is that why he left the National Theater?

– He doesn’t want to go to work. Alexander Morfov was the director who most regularly made concerts and performances for President Georgi Parvanov. This group of “great” artists who serve certain political forces and personalities when in power are clear to us. We all also know that he was also a favorite of Stefan Danailov and organized festivals for him and what not. Now that Stefan Danailov has retired, he said that he does not know a more mercantile person than Sasho Morfov.

Then we saw him protesting in the square against Oresharski, and now against Slavi Binev. Let’s clarify exactly who he is against and what he is doing. We have known for a long time that he wants to leave Bulgaria, because he is oppressed that he has to go to work at the National Theater here. And in fact it takes the place of younger people who would like to work and make plays. Everyone sees his barons, that in Russia he would have done who knows what. But they didn’t give him anything to do, so he’s not that great. So he does not fight for professional freedoms, but simply wants, without working, to be recognized as a hero by pretending to be one in the squares.

– However, there were many other artists at the protest…

– The director of the Youth Theater, Vladimir Lyutskanov, wrote on behalf of the entire theater a protest against Binev’s appointment on the very first day. I have already written several articles against him, when on the facade of the theater in the center of the capital, where our children also enter, he had put a huge banner with 6 naked buttocks of the actors participating in his musical, where he imagined himself to be the director. I wrote about this issue, addressed public figures and the municipality, but it had no effect. Why?

– Because of some protections?

– He was Stefan Danailov’s first subject when he was Minister of Culture. These are people who, in every administration, try to be good at any cost. He also broadcasts on BNT – “Smart Village”, which will be immediately taken down if there is any change. What will he do if this happens and he is not the director of the theater. He was an actor in the Military Theater, where he could not do anything, and becoming the director of the Youth Theater, he suddenly decided to pretend to be a director. That is why he is trying to preserve his position in every possible way and has thrown his daughter into the protests with this goal in mind. She is a student at NATFIZ and is lying on the cobblestones. The war for survival is life and death.

And the most parodic figure of the protests is Stefan Danailov’s niece – Rositsa Obreshkova. She appeared in a BNT report and started talking about how they were already digging to the bottom. People with such modest creative qualities as Rositsa Obreshkova, for example, will always dig at the bottom. And she is a teacher at NATFIZ. For so many years, he could not become a doctor, associate professor or professor, because apparently others also see that he has no qualities. But under the wing of Stefan Danailov leads a class of actors?! Such people will always dig the bottom.

The people I saw at the protest were staged and behind them were mulatak No. 1 Vezhdi Rashidov and Hristo Mutafchiev, who had already gone into hiding, and got scared. This shows that there is a mafia in the theater fighting to maintain the status quo.

– Why are they protesting right now?

– Until now, this group of the intelligentsia was silent and slept and looked after the garden. However, in these 25 years, severe problems have developed and people have no electricity and no money to look after their children. But they were silent, and now they jumped to protect only their own goods. This is not intelligence. The intelligentsia must protest not for itself, but for the public interest. That is why people are not interested in their productions.

– And what do you think about the appointment of Slavi Binev as head of the Committee on Culture in the Parliament?

– This is some big political game. I know that he, like me, is a big anti-boyfriend, and now they are punishing him, showing that they can use the media and have it serve them. In my opinion, this is a scheme in which Vezhdi Rashidov also participates, who is obliged to go to the parliament and cannot fail to attend, just to demonstrate that he is against Slavi Binev. He is a clerk and must go to parliament.

Slavi Binev, I don’t want to discuss it, as it is part of a very bad scenario. See the entire composition of the committee and whether there is a more suitable one. Brain Ray, who is a doctor?! Not only the politicians are to blame for these processes, but also those shouting in the squares, who for 25 years have been looking out for their own interest and are trying to make themselves mobsters in the theater. In reality, there is no committee on culture and media, and among the members there is no one prepared for work in this field.

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