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The territory room waiting for a new breath

The new plenary session opened on Monday with a report on the draft decree relating to the new methods of appointing the members of the institution. The expectations of local elected officials are numerous, the critical points also with respect to the recurring absenteeism encountered

Rbreathe new life land chamber who really needs it. A few whispered words from a elected rural which attests to the need to develop this institution, torn within the framework of local government reform and the creation of unique community. An advisory body whose primary challenge was to ensure territorial balance.

But since 2018 some have punctually pointed out the shortcomings of an assembly to be recognized. From the “empty shell” presented in 2018, where everything was yet to be written, white lines and empty seats remain.

On Monday, on the occasion of the new plenary session which met at Bastia, only 36% of the members of the House of Territories were present. Due to power play, the quorum was certainly reached, but the photograph of the public highlights the need to correct the situation in order to give life to this institution, giving it at least a good supporting role.

“The sense of utility”, the engine of the institution

In February 2021, members of the chamber recommended the review of the initial composition of the body asking to change the way in which representatives of municipalities are elected or nominated. The Corsican Assembly followed by voting on the proposal. A device that falls within the framework of the 3DS law relating to decentralization and decentralization, the promise of which is to provide adequate tools to implement public policies in the territories. Since then a draft decree has been under study and an evolution is really in the pipeline. The President of the Executive, Gilles Simeonialso leading the House of Territories, brought to debate a report that aims to “energize the room”. A document, which has not endorsed all the observations of the elected officials and that the head of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention presented as A “watered down” version. local expectations.

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The maire from Ghisoni, Don Marc Albertini, does not even hide some reservations. He is one of eight mayors representing municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants in this institution. Small territories with thin budget lines and often heavy problems to bear.

“We are not entirely satisfied with the decree because we wanted three members to be nominated for communities of municipalities, but only two were retained. We also wanted the mayors to be able to sit down and this is not the case! – municipality, a municipality is hegemonic, it could very well send two representatives of the municipality, while if our request had been respected, by definition, more municipalities would have been represented”slip before adding: “cHowever, he is on the right track.”

In the future composition of the chamber, the number of seats currently allocated to the 18 executive or territorial councilors will therefore be reduced to leave more room for local elected officials. “It’s the interest, you have to feel useful. The territory room must be a place where we can make things change”.

To remobilize its unpaid members, the second step will be to move the cursor and redefine the internal regulations of the assembly whose spheres of competence are bound by its very definition of a consultative body.

Gooddespite some objections, elected officials followed the president and agreed”that insufficient progress is better than no progress”.

The rewriting of the new composition of the institution is in progress. Keep on.

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Padduc: “We have to speed things up”

For the rest of this plenary session it will be about individualisations in support of the territories: aid to municipalities (7.729.778 €), aid for police fines (1.005.866 €) or even aid for water and sanitation (541.550 €). Support which, as a whole, represents more than “what we never did”, says Gilles Simeoni. An observation that does not earn him a “guard of honor” by Marie-Thérèse Mariotti, territorial councilor of the group A new breath, but which allows us to introduce the debate. The moment chosen to defend, for example, the merits of the capital gains tax on the sale of large real estate transactions in Corsica which would be partially recovered by the municipalities. One certainty, the savings will not come from the energy bills of the Bastia community headquarters. As proof, the overheating of the territories room room that even allowed fans to be deployed in this month of November.

With the energy and tax interlude closed, the other issue of concern is the transfer of water and health competence, by 2026, to the inter-municipal bodies with budgets already cut by the colossal cost of waste. Jean-Jacques Giannithe maire ofEvadefears “this race against time”. From discussion to discussion, the topic rippled over town planning. Who says spatial planning says Paddock. And its review? “excessive urban planning, worry Peter Savelli as much as Marie-Thérèse Mariottiwho sees buildings they grow like mushrooms, without any landscaping paper. “We have to pick up the pace even if it’s not perfect in the end.” Yesterday the voice of the Chamber of Territories was heard. It remains for her to find an echo.

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