Home » today » World » The tension in the ruling coalition makes the government increasingly unstable – 2024-10-08 12:08:53

The tension in the ruling coalition makes the government increasingly unstable – 2024-10-08 12:08:53

/ world today news/ We are an alternative, not to Borisov, but to the policy of his second cabinet, which is ruining Bulgaria.
BSP continued to be the main political factor for 125 years

“BSP is an opposition to politics that does not provide a decent life for people”, declared on the air of BNT the chairman of the National Assembly of the BSP, Mihail Mikov. He emphasized that, unlike the left, the parties that campaign for the opposition do not submit votes of no confidence, do not submit requests to the Constitutional Court, support the government’s policy, and it even turned out that there are their people in power. “We want the country to have a government that leads it to a better life for the people, but this is not happening”, said the leader of the socialists and emphasized that in a year and a half BSP has established itself as the only real opposition. This is proven by the votes on: the foreign debt, a number of social laws that hit the Bulgarian citizen, many mistaken policies called “reforms” that the socialists attack. “This is the role of the opposition – to be an alternative,” he categorically stated. Mikov noted that when the public interest is at stake, the BSP is not an opposition at any cost, but stands behind important decisions for our country, for example – the support provided in the engagement of a resource for guarding the external border.

The chairman of the BSP emphasized that the tension in the ruling coalition makes the government in our country increasingly unstable. According to him, the Bulgarian citizens can only win if the country’s management course is changed, which is leading it to a dead end – a demographic catastrophe, serious problems in health care, a decline in economic development according to the EC report.

“I don’t want to be an alternative to Borisov. I want to be an alternative to this right-wing government, which continues to ruin Bulgaria,” Mikov said and emphasized that. The BSP should be a center of left politics, with much wider public support, looking for allies who want our country to go in a different direction. As the main dividing lines between the current right-wing government and the policies supported by the left, he pointed to the lack of adequate measures to deal with the demographic crisis, the freezing of social payments, health care in which private hospitals are making profits and public ones are constantly losing money.

The state is not governed according to the rule of law, but according to Borisov’s whims

“It is bad when the adopted legislation is then canceled or blocked,” said Mikov. He gave several illustrative examples, such as: the suspension of public procurement, the transfer of social security funds to the National Insurance Institute, for which Borisov said “We will not apply this law”, as well as the changes surrounding camping – “We are canceling this law”. “This is not the rule of law and the rule of law, but the prime minister’s brainchild,” said the leader of the BSP. He emphasized that media movements cannot replace the institutional and legal functioning of the state. According to him, if we want to shake off these doubts, evidence must be given every day and those who participate in public procurement must be convinced that the tenders are fair.

Mikov stated that the debt of BGN 16 billion is being spent according to plan, but the time is coming when it will have to be returned, and the economy does not give any indication that it can generate funds to stabilize the financial situation. He emphasized that when the question of debt is raised, it must be said what it was spent on. “Why are public procurements suspended with the argument of lack of funds, why do a number of sectors experience an acute shortage of funds, why is there a generated debt of BGN 1.2 billion in the municipalities, which is not shown, why is there a debt in public health facilities that is constantly grows after having funds?” asked Mikhail Mikov. He was adamant that the story of increased revenues is only part of the permanent media campaign of the rulers.

Why, despite increased income, is there no money for Bulgarian mothers?

“Bulgaria is the poorest country in the EU and the largest percentage of Bulgarian citizens, around 47-48%, live at risk of poverty, children in our country are at risk of poverty, twice the average European percentage”, explained the chairman of the BSP. This is precisely what gives rise to murderous inequalities in our country, which cause more and more Bulgarians to go abroad, less and less to give birth and less and less to count on a future in Bulgaria.

Mikov asked why, after it is claimed that there is a huge overrun of the budget – there is no BGN 20-30 million to signal to young mothers that the state is thinking about them by equating the allowance for raising a child up to 2 years old . with the minimum wage. “This is the cynicism of the right-wing government,” he was categorical. The leader of the left asked: why no one commented that, despite the reforms in the social sphere, including the increase in the retirement age, the NOI gave data on even greater overspending.

“The flat tax should be abolished and there should be a fairer burden. Both the poor and the rich cannot pay the same percentage,” said Mikov. According to him, wealthier people who receive more than BGN 1,840 should contribute more.

On the occasion of the judicial reform, the socialist said that more and more citizens will understand that it is a question of battles in certain circles for positions, both in the judiciary and in the executive power, and this cannot be called a reform. “What the rulers call reform will lead to even more serious control of the system and internal contradictions, it will not bring more justice and speed to the process,” Mikov was categorical.

Regarding the reform of the Ministry of the Interior, the leader of the left stated that the policy in the field of the Ministry of the Interior should be adequate to what is happening in our country and around the world. According to him, the most important thing is whether the Bulgarian citizen feels safe, and whether the state is efficiently spending the funds for internal order and security. According to him, the answer to this question is: “Bachvarova never understood why she was there.”

Unlike GERB, SDS, NDSV and other transitional parties, BSP has been a major factor in Bulgarian politics for 125 years

Mikov was adamant that at the upcoming Congress of the Left, the most important thing is what policies and visions for the future of the BSP and what needs to be done will be proposed by the candidates for the post of party chairman. The strongest card of the current leadership is: BSP to be the main political force in Bulgaria and the first political force in perspective, the authentic representative. He explained that parties like GERB in the last 25 years have been in front of the political space. “SDS, NDSV were also such parties and nothing remained of them. The BSP remained and continues to be the main political factor for 125 years”, said the leader of the left.

Mikov stated that the BSP will be a consistent opposition until this policy, which is increasingly ruining Bulgaria, is changed. At the moment and in this parliament, the leader of the socialists does not see the possibility of the party participating in any way in power. “And there are people in the BSP who want to get into power. These are the ones who want to blur the lines between left and right. Those for whom there is a dominance of the big business players around the power, and not a dominance of the interests of the majority of citizens,” commented Mikov.

When asked about the upcoming presidential elections, he stated: “There may be a single left-wing candidate, but ABV has yet to prove itself as a left-wing party.” He stated that Parvanov’s structure must first leave the current right-wing government of which it is a part. “Power cannot be an end in itself, you can participate in the promotion of right-wing policies and look for a left unity for the presidential elections”, concluded the leader of the left.

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