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The Tens-Billion-Dollar Chicken Shed Behind Mesbex and Inter Miami: Financial Backer Revealed

FI Column | The tens-billion-dollar chicken shed behind Mesbex | Muddy Waters

The financial backer behind Miami International is a Cuban-American financial expert, and his chicken shed has enough food for more than 10 billion yuan.

1. This time, we use an alternative angle to look at the US missile incident, which is the financial angle. If you really understand the background of Inter Miami and the man behind Bingham. Congratulations, you are one big step closer to the truth.

2. The former owner of Inter Miami is a Bolivian telecommunications company and Masayoshi Son. That’s right, it’s Masayoshi Son of the famous Soft Bank. When you see this name, do you begin to smell the smell of finance and capital operations?

3. Later, the company sold Bibham and the men behind it, Jorge Mas and Jose Mas. This acquisition was financed by Goldman Sachs. In other words, Goldman Sachs has fallen into trouble.

4. In fact, the matter is really related to the capital market, because the chicken shed has taken shape and has attracted financing from different institutional investors. For example, Ares Management Capital has done $150 million in preferred stock financing.

5. Here comes the super important point.The Mas family behind Bixian are financial experts in the United States

6. According to Forbes, Mas has a net worth of US$1.3 billion. They are a Cuban family that fled to the United States.

7. Mas was a soldier and later became a businessman. He first acquired a small telecommunications company and later reorganized it into Church & Tower.The company later went public, with annual revenue reaching $9.8 billion.

8. My son Mas also tried to start a business for the second time. He started a construction equipment company, got General Electric to invest in it, listed it on NASDAQ, and then sold it – that is, the shell of the beer and the shell of the golden cicada.

9. Mas’s main business now is private equity funds, responsible for investing in different projects. The business model of private equity funds is to find some feasible projects, reorganize them, turn them around, make profits, go public, dismantle them, and then sell them. Mas’s immigration story is very inspiring. He went to the United States to escape the Cuban Communist Party, promoted the Cuban Democracy Act, became a wealthy Cuban businessman, and established an NGO to help Cubans, but was later involved in a drug trafficking scandal.He is anti-communist in nature and is trusted by the United States. He once worked in a media affiliated with the CIA and engaged in anti-Cuban Communist Party propaganda.

10. According to reports in 2021, Inter Miami is valued at US$600 million

11. After understanding this background, you will clearly understand the context of this matter. Why has Beckham been so high-profile in recent years? In addition to regularly running his own social media, he also shoots his autobiography with Netflix. Jay Chou has used the same bridge – he used Netflix to build his own personal production brand company, which was successfully listed last year and made a lot of money in Hong Kong. This is the same business model. Both Jay Chou and Beckham use their popularity and influence to make big money in the capital market through financial technology.

12. If you look back at Inter Miami’s operations, you will know that they are purely commercial operations. It seems that Metz and Suarez are no longer at their peak playing age. They are just the mascots of the club’s monetisation. The purpose of signing them is to make money and cash out their fame.

13. Their contract is the club’s precious asset, and it will be capitalized with a high valuation when it is listed in the future. Wow! It’s all about money.

14. There is no right of class action in Hong Kong. Under the assumption of a rational economic person, you will not pay $4,000 for a ticket and then spend hundreds of thousands to go to court with the organizer Tatler. Commercially, Tatler is winning contracts, but the government will not do anything (unless it bans Tatler), and things will die down over time.

15. 130 million, of course, is not a small number, but what is pressing behind people is an even bigger and bigger meal. The reorganization, financing, listing of the dead shell, selling the shell, and the golden cicada’s shell are the end games of human beings. Mas, the team behind Bixian, has successfully done it once.

16. Don’t you, the Hong Kong government, only exist to hold grand events? Our name is International Financial Center. If you have a long-term vision, you should contact the so-called first-class bankers in Hong Kong to contact Miami International and move their end game to Hong Kong. This can help you save face and cover the table. .

17. The highest PE of the football club can go up to 30 times. People are not just aiming to earn your ticket income, but to capitalize these ticket income with a high price-earnings ratio to play a larger capital market game. One mosquito today will become 30 mosquitoes in a few years. Of course, you will make all your money. As the company’s most expensive mascot, Mess cannot be exposed to any risk of injury.What’s more, they have done several rounds of financing in the past. Under normal market conditions, they will definitely sign a lot of weird gambling agreements, such as guaranteed profits.

18. The Hong Kong government doesn’t know how reasonable people’s wishful thinking is. I looked back at the government’s documents on holding major events and activities. It turns out that they have to approve 150 projects a year. On average, it takes less than three days to approve one project. So I can understand why people would have to worry about the terms of the contract, because it is too urgent. This method of tracking KPIs has also been criticized by pro-establishment lawmaker Jiang Yuhuan. I’m a humble person, but if I’m not satisfied, please ask Senator Qi Jiang to settle the score.

19. My suggestion to the government is: let it be listed in Hong Kong first, and if there is any disturbance, use the Stock Exchange and the SFC to fine it like a cash machine, and then everything will be exposed.

2024-02-07 04:02:50
#Column #tensbilliondollar #chicken #shed #Mesbex #Muddy #Waters

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