Isle. General Assembly of the Tennis Club d’Isle: A successful season and new perspectives. The Tennis Club d’Isle held its general meeting at the Bayles-Isle hall, attracting a large number of members. The event made it possible to draw up a positive assessment of the club’s activities and to present the projects. The membership is stable (197 members at the end of the season), with a balanced distribution: 38% young people and 62% adults, showing the club’s constant appeal to all age groups. The sports commission presented the results of the team championships, with a generally satisfactory result in all categories. The president of the club, Jean-Marc Boulesteix, underlined the investment of the members of the office, volunteers, parents and members of the teaching team. He also thanked the club’s partners and announced the organization of a special evening which will be dedicated to them in the second quarter of 2025. The commune of Isle was warmly thanked for its support, particularly for the club’s expansion project – house set for the first half of next year. The president recalled the importance of good practices to reduce electricity expenses.
The animation commission presented a film summarizing the activities organized during the season. The good financial health of the club was reported by Hervé Goutorbe, assistant treasurer.
A gift bearing the image of the club was awarded to the winners of the 2023-2024 internal tournament, to licensed children who shone in tournaments and championships, as well as to parents who helped the coaches on Saturday morning.
the office
In life. Jean-Marc Boulesteix, president; Jean-Pierre Ducher, vice-president; Annick Inserguet, secretary; Valérie Dubreuille, assistant secretary; Corinne Marquez, treasurer; Hervé Goutorbe, deputy treasurer; Marie-Céline Maumy, Benoît Nadaud, Franck Kerbiquet, Fabrice D’Hollander, Anthony Ponticaud, Allan Ybreh-Hwing, members.