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The ten most searched diseases on the web in 2020

The coronavirus certainly has not eliminated the other pathologies. The pandemic may have completely absorbed the concerns of many Italians, but just as many have continued to suffer for something else. As in previous years, perhaps even more.

The Dottori.it portal, which is used for book specialist visits, but also to make them online directly on the site, he analyzed land research carried out throughout 2020 e compiled a list of the 10 pathologies more common in user searches.

Here is the ranking of the ten most searched diseases on the web


Al first place There are spinal disorders. Most likely caused by incorrect postures assumed during the many hours spent at the PC working from home. 2020 marked therefore by the coronavirus, but also from back pain.


Al second place among the ten most searched diseases on the web is fibromyalgia. A syndrome that has little recognizable symptoms and affects multiple organs making the diagnosis very difficult. It is an extra-articular rheumatic form that, in addition to causing pain in the muscles and bones, causes profound fatigue and soreness that can be localized or spread over the whole body with different degrees of intensity.

Knee pains

Al third place all pains affecting the knee. A joint subject to problems when intense sporting activity or heavy work is carried out, but which can also cause significant discomfort due to excessive sedentary lifestyle, which has obviously been common to many in these months of pandemic.


Al fourth place among the ten most searched diseases on the web there is another widespread and annoying disorder that affects in particular that performs sedentary jobs:inflammation of the cervical. Together with the other ailments that precede in the ranking, it is fully included among those connected to the lifestyle that was imposed by the pandemic. There neck pain it can be caused not only by poor posture, but also by stress, anxiety and lack of exercise.

Inguinal hernia and disc herniation

Al fifth place and sixth place among the ten most sought-after diseases in this 2020 pandemic, there are inguinal hernia and herniated disc.

Inguinal hernia is typically caused by a weakness in the abdominal wall. A weakness that can be congenital, but also accentuated by poor muscle tone. A pathology that for anatomical reasons affects men more, but does not spare women and children.

Vene varicose

Al seventh place instead there is a disorder that mainly affects women: varicose veins. A pathology that is on the rise precisely due to the sedentary life of these months.

Alteration of the nails

All’eighth place the structural and chromatic alterations of the nails: they are the first sign of any pathological conditions of other parts of the body. Discoloration, fragility or microfractures often hide an alteration of the body’s metabolic functions. This is why when you notice changes in the appearance or color of your nails, it is always good to seek medical attention.


L’tinnitus, also called ringing in the ear, et al ninth place. It is a symptom caused by a condition such as hearing loss or ear injury. It is a very debilitating disorder and failure to treat it can also cause other reactions such as stress, anger, concentration problems, isolation and depression. For these reasons it is essential to consult a specialist to contain the symptoms from the first sign.


A closing the ranking is acne, which is one of the most common side effects of the pandemic. It is caused these days by the use of the mask, by stress, but also by disordered eating.

In 2020, more than half of the users of the dottori.it portal were women (57.8%), mainly concentrated in large cities, with Rome, Milan and Turin in the lead.

Analyzing the traffic data of the portal, the most sought-after specialist is confirmed as the gynecologist, who collects over 10% of searches; followed by dermatologists (9.3%) and ophthalmologists (6.7%).

Dermatologists, psychologists and neurologists, who together carried out more than 30% of remote visits to patients, made the most of the new telemedicine functionality.

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