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The temptations of Lucas Vázquez: Bayern, Chelsea, United, City …

Lucas Vazquez will not continue in the Real Madrid. The Galician footballer, one of the most used by Zinedine Zidane During this season, he ends his relationship with the white club on June 30 and is not going to renew his contract. At 29, his goal is to sign one last great contract and remain in the elite. Suitors are not lacking: the Galician has girlfriends all over Europe and his future points to England. And the Bayern It has also sounded like a possible option.

At Real Madrid they have long ruled out the possibility that the player remains in the team … except for a capital surprise at the last minute. The club once made a renewal proposal that was rejected by the footballer and Eduardo Inda confirmed exclusively in The Chiringuito de Jugones that in the club they take their exit for granted. «Real Madrid take the departure of Lucas Vázquez for granted this summer», Revealed exclusively the director of OKDIARY.

The great season of Lucas Vazquez It has not gone unnoticed by the big clubs in Europe. The Galician has been able to adapt to the right back, a position that was orphaned at Real Madrid with the continuous injuries of Carvajal and Odriozola. And he has more than delivered, showing that he is a versatile player capable of performing at a high level in various areas of the field. In this way, there are several clubs that have contacted his environment to test the possibility of signing him next summer. One of those who would have wanted to test the footballer is Bayern, although the greatest interest is in England.

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From the Premier League they are making force for Lucas Vázquez. As you may have learned OKDIARY, four teams from big six English would welcome the incorporation of the Galician footballer from next summer: United, City, Chelsea and the Tottenham by José Mourinho, who has always seen the Galician as a player who can be used a lot. Four very interesting sporting and economic options that would make the player debut in what is considered by many to be the best league competition in the world.

Finally, Lucas Vázquez also has a suitor in the Santander League: the Atlético de Madrid by Diego Pablo Simeone when we have the information Last January, Eduardo Inda unveiled exclusively in The Chiringuito de Jugones the departure of Lucas Vázquez and the interest of Mourinho and Simeone in signing him: «Tottenham and Atlético de Madrid want Lucas Vázquez. They like him a lot, he is a player who solves well as a starter and who is unbalancing in the second half.

The intention of Lucas Vazquez is to sign his last big contract at a big club in Europe. At 29 years old, the Galician is aware that he has a good opportunity and there is no shortage of offers for it. The Bayern Munich He is right now the great favorite to sign him, but he has many rivals to sign a player who will leave the Real Madrid after having made history in the white club in recent years.

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