Home » today » Technology » The technological news of the week: the DJ with artificial intelligence from Spotify, synthetic voices and how to recognize an image created by AI Maldita.es

The technological news of the week: the DJ with artificial intelligence from Spotify, synthetic voices and how to recognize an image created by AI Maldita.es


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Happy Saturday, damned and damned! As every week, we bring you the technological news with the news that has caught our attention the most. Of course, we have proposed not to talk about ChatGPT… Well, it’s impossible. Come on, just one topic: if education had previously positioned itself against its use in classroomsnow there are teachers for whom it is a obligation.

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A DJ in your pocket thanks to AI and Spotify

We are at February 25 and we no longer know what other artificial intelligence applications we can expect this year, but here is another one that the platform of streaming Spotify.

This is the DJ function, with which Spotify will offer a custom music selection for each user according to their tastes. This is something that the platform already does, but it includes news: in addition to the existing customization technology, fine-tuned with OpenAI technology, the news will be an artificial intelligence voice which will include a narrated presentation of each song. According to Spotify, an “astonishingly realistic voice” will accompany the songs with commentary on the tracks and artists. It is currently available in the United States and Canada. we have read it on TechCrunch.

What Spotify has labeled an astonishingly realistic voice is a synthetic voice generated by artificial intelligence. This is precisely what we have talked about this week in the Damn technological Twitchery. We have explored how oral conversational systems have evolved from robotic voices (think Stephen Hawking’s synthesizer) to increasingly natural and humanized voices. With artificial intelligence you can even clone a voice, and this is very important because of its Social impact: may have important applications for people who have lost the ability to speak or suffer from speech disorders. It is one of those programs that you have to see yes or yes (well, above all, listen).

And speaking of listening, this week on the Aragon Radio podcast we have talked about deepfakes and porn: how images of famous women are being used without consent and what the law says about it.

The consequences of circulating content created by AI

Last week we told you what had happened with the viral images of some alleged riot police hugging three women during the demonstrations against the pension reform in France, which were actually created by artificial intelligence.

Disseminating content generated by artificial intelligence without context can have consequences: it can be generate misinformationand it can also be done with the aim of impersonate, humiliate and defraud. In this article You have the details that experts have given us such as the bloody specialist in AI Julio Gonzalo, who has also said that this is becoming a problem of scale: “What was previously reserved for a handful of experts in the use of design tools digital, now it’s within the reach of the entire population”.

In order not to contribute to the spread of these contents, the first thing is to be able to identify them. Here is a detailed guide so you don’t get caught with these technological tools. Take note: look for watermarks, look if there is writing errors, count people’s fingers, analyze small details (ears, hair, teeth) and the texture of the image background.

in five bits

  • The digital certificate. It is the typical procedure that seems very complex to do and that, when you need to use it, you never have it. There are no more excuses: we explain here what exactly a digital certificate is and what you have to do to obtain one.
  • Why do we take vertical photos? In elDiario.es they have explored why horizontal photos are being annihilated: the ‘I’ is vertical, social networks have succeeded thanks to self-referentiality and egocentrism. In addition, they are accompanied by a tour of the history of painting.
  • Double authentication on Twitter. Among the novelties that Twitter continues to implement, the last one has been to eliminate the possibility of doing two-step verification by text message. It is now only available to Twitter Blue subscribers (by payment). But nothing happens: there are other free and safer options than SMS. Here you have the step by step.
  • Mark Zuckerberg does an Elon Musk. Not paying is going to end: Facebook and Instagram join Twitter and are going to demand money in exchange for their services. This seems like a natural move from the business model of the big tech, but we will have to see how users react. we have read it in the country.
  • Netflix doesn’t know where you live. in the confidential have picked up the latest platform issue streaming about your shared account plan: Netflix is ​​placing users hundreds of miles from their homes. The location by IP does not seem to be very reliable.

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