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“The tears of migrants”. The lesson (not required) of Fornero for Italians

Who could ever write a eulogy of crying if not her, Elsa Fornero, was the Minister of Labor who gave in to tears in announcing, together with the then Prime Minister Mario Monti, the harsh reforms imposed on Italy by the European Union? On the Print today has profusely praised the champions who were moved on Sunday at Wembley. Not only the Azzurri winners, but also the English bent on penalties. And then Matteo Berrettini who, despite the defeat, left Wimbledon with his head held high. “Tears come from the heart and not from the brain”, he reminds us by making his own the words of Leonardo da Vinci. All to invite politicians to “rediscover emotions and become more human”, but above all to give Italians yet another unsolicited lesson: “In this ocean of tears, the ones that should above all move us are those of the gods migrants jumped from some boat about to sink “.

It was 2011 and, although for Fornero it is now a thing of the past, many exodus they still remember with bitterness that sudden foray into our social security system. Fortunately, today the beautiful country is experiencing a climate of profound rebirth and looks to the near future with greater hope than it has been able to do in the last year and a half. The victory of the Azzurri at Wembley against a fierce and determined England to do anything to bring the title home, it is seen by many analysts as the symbolic image of a new restart. We all need it. After the almost 130 thousand deaths from Covid-19, after the unsuccessful Giallorossi season, after the economic crisis that attacked the Italian system to its foundations. That liberating scream after Donnarumma’s last parade and that cup raised in the English sky are the beginning of a dream.

Fornero wanted to capture this moment of joy cry liberating to which ours have abandoned themselves. Mancini and Vialli, above all. But not only. He also pointed out “the angry tears of the losers”. Even those not plants, held in the throat until the last. Those of Berrettini, those of the London fans, those “real or fake, dignified or dishonest”. In short: everything is the opposite of everything. She even went so far as to argue that the tears that should move us most “are those of migrants who jumped from some boat about to sink, with no shore or rescue boat in sight “, the “drops of terrible pain that merge into the water of the Mediterranean, making it saltier“. The only cry she forgot to mention, we would like to point out, is the silent pain of the families of the victims of Covid. Possible? In the last year and a half too many people have cried away from the cameras, perhaps outside a hospital or closed in the house without loved ones or, again, behind the shutters of a failing restaurant. Yet Fornero does not seem to have noticed, except to say that the pandemic could make us “reconsider the role of tears” and “become more human “.

On the other hand, she has not forgotten to serve us again the usual good-natured soup on migrants. And he did not fail to send (unsolicited) advice to the political machos who in recent years have exhibited “little heart” and “little brain”. He never names them the leaders of the right (Matteo Salvini, first of all) but it is them he has in mind in his reprimand. Nothing new under the sun. But forget the sufferings of the last year and a half to bring the reader’s attention again (and only) to the drama ofclandestine immigration it is misleading and deeply ideological. As well as incomprehensible.

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