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The Teamsters Union Joins Writers in Supporting Amazon Workers’ Dispute

EXCLUSIVE: Teamsters Union Supports Writers Guild of America in Show of Solidarity

In a powerful display of unity, the Teamsters Union has been standing in solidarity with the Writers Guild of America (WGA) for the past 75 days. Now, the scribes have returned the favor by joining a picket line at an Amazon warehouse in Santa Clarita, California, to support Amazon drivers and dispatchers in their own dispute.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which represents over 1 million workers in the U.S., has been picketing Amazon warehouses across the country since June 24. Locations in California, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Michigan have all seen Teamsters members fighting against low pay and dangerous working conditions.

The Teamsters Local 396 has been negotiating with Amazon’s Delivery Service Partner and Battle-Tested Strategies since April to recognize and honor the union contract. However, they claim that Amazon has engaged in unfair labor practices, including terminating the entire unit of newly organized workers, in violation of federal labor law.

Throughout the past two months, the Teamsters have shown unwavering support for television and film writers by refusing to cross picket lines. WGA member Chris Hazzard expressed gratitude for the Teamsters’ support, stating, “The WGA specifically has just received so much support from the Teamsters, that our membership was very happy to support them in any way we can. Today that was helping local 396.”

Victor Mineros, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 396 in Los Angeles, emphasized the unity between the two unions, saying, “Since this strike started on June 24, these Amazon workers have remained united in pursuit of fair pay and safe jobs. Despite Amazon’s illegal refusal to recognize their union or engage in bargaining, the community and fellow workers in this industry have consistently shown unwavering support. Millions of Teamster members stand shoulder to shoulder, with firm resolve, supporting their brothers and sisters at Amazon. Together, we are resolute in holding this corporate criminal accountable for its treatment of their workers.”

The show of solidarity between the Teamsters and the WGA is a reminder that unity goes beyond just a good feeling. Liz Alper, a WGA West board member, stated, “Saying that you’re with somebody, it’s taking your time, it’s making yourself uncomfortable, in order to make somebody’s life a little bit better. That’s what the Teamsters have been doing for us. That’s what we did for the Teamsters today.”

Hazzard also highlighted the cross-union support for the WGA fight, noting that actors also participated in a walkout. He emphasized that despite the differences in the physical labor performed by the different unions, the ultimate goal is the same: fair wages for all workers.

The fact that the Teamsters picket line was at an Amazon warehouse further underscores the solidarity between different industries. Hazzard remarked, “It’s pretty telling that delivery drivers are up against the same company that film [and TV] writers are. It doesn’t feel like that should be one entity.”

Alper stressed the importance of shining a spotlight on the Teamsters and other workers, stating, “We’re a very privileged Union, we have a very large platform, we have a very public platform and we’ve been getting the spotlight that a lot of unions in town don’t get. It’s really important that sharing our solidarity also means sharing the spotlight, and making sure that the Teamsters’ fight against Amazon is as well known as our fight.”

This is the latest union that the WGA has supported, following their recent show of solidarity with hotel workers. Thousands of workers, including cleaners, cooks, and front desk staff, have gone on strike to demand wage increases ahead of the World Cup and Olympics, which will bring increased business to the hospitality sector.

The collaboration between the Teamsters and the WGA serves as a powerful reminder that workers across different industries can come together to fight for fair treatment and better working conditions.
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How has collective action and solidarity between the Teamsters Union and the Writers Guild of America influenced the Amazon workers’ dispute and their fight for fair treatment in the workplace?

A long way in fighting for workers’ rights and fair treatment in the workplace. It highlights the power of collective action and the impact it can have on bringing about positive change.

The Teamsters Union has been standing in solidarity with the Writers Guild of America (WGA) for over two months now. In return, the WGA decided to join a picket line at an Amazon warehouse in Santa Clarita, California, to support Amazon drivers and dispatchers in their own dispute.

The Teamsters, which represents over 1 million workers in the U.S., have been picketing Amazon warehouses across the country, demanding fair pay and better working conditions. They claim that Amazon has engaged in unfair labor practices, including terminating newly organized workers, in violation of labor laws.

Throughout this period, the Teamsters have shown unwavering support for television and film writers by refusing to cross picket lines. The WGA member, Chris Hazzard, expressed his gratitude for the Teamsters’ support, stating that their membership was very happy to support them in any way possible.

Victor Mineros, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 396 in Los Angeles, emphasized the unity between the two unions and the community’s support for the Amazon workers. The Teamsters and millions of their members stand together, determined to hold Amazon accountable for their treatment of workers.

This show of solidarity serves as a reminder that unity and collective action can make a significant impact in the fight for workers’ rights. It demonstrates the importance of standing together and supporting one another in facing corporate injustices.

1 thought on “The Teamsters Union Joins Writers in Supporting Amazon Workers’ Dispute”

  1. It’s encouraging to see the Teamsters Union joining forces with writers to stand in solidarity with Amazon workers. With their combined support and strength, workers’ voices will be amplified, ensuring their rights and fair treatment are heard and met. Together, they can make a significant impact on improving working conditions and creating a fairer workplace at Amazon.


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