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The teaching comes from the Internet, the practice from the laboratory

Digital studies have been taking place at the University of Applied Sciences since April 20. Professor Dr. So far, Markus Zink has noted a great discipline and a smooth process.

When asked about the disadvantages of digital studies during the corona crisis, Professor Dr. Markus Zink from the High Voltage department of the Electrical Engineering Faculty at the University of Applied Sciences in Schweinfurt: “There are few.” However, because the internships are an essential part of engineering training, his students are not completely exempt from attendance. The lectures are completely digital.

The corona crisis has turned everyday life at the University of Applied Sciences Wrzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS) upside down. The summer semester did not start on March 15, but only on April 20 with digital teaching. The lecturers were free to find the right format for this. For example, some of Zink’s colleagues record instructional videos (such as texted PowerPoint presentations and films from lectures) and offer discussion groups live or via chat. Others use live video conferencing tools to interact with students live, with questions via chat or direct microphone.

Getting used to

Zink: “So without any feedback from the faces, that’s a strange situation. You don’t know if someone has already fallen asleep, if there is a lack of understanding or understanding.” Since the university places great value on the contact between the professors and the students, which is why topics are deepened in small groups, digital teaching was very hard to get used to, says Zink

Markus Zink at the lecture without eye contact with the students.
      Photo: Gerd Landgraf

With the live video conference tool “Zoom”, Zink favors the use of gap text scripts, which require the active participation of the students. The professor classifies video as an advantage that it can be stopped and viewed again. However, this is also not new, but has been common practice for years, especially with exercises and examples.

In an exchange with his colleagues, Markus Zink came to the conclusion that the years of trying to establish digital teaching under Corona were successful in just a few weeks and: “I am convinced that we will take some things into the post-Corona period . ” This also applies particularly to conferences with participants from several locations. For example, the response to an examination committee, which includes colleagues from various universities, has never been as high as it is currently.

The laboratory is indispensable

Preparations for laboratory internships are currently taking place in the area of ​​high voltage, which are explicitly about practical experience and getting to know the devices and safety regulations. Also, the theoretical content can only be explored and deepened in practice. The professor also does not want to do without the independent preparation and follow-up of the experiments as an introduction to professional life, in which the accomplishment of tasks must also be planned, carried out and documented with colleagues.

The presence events are limited to a “necessary minimum”. Some internships were also postponed to the winter semester. In his area, Zink had put the lectures as block lessons in the first half of the semester. Now he can concentrate on working in the laboratory.

Hygiene and clearance rules

In the laboratory, entrances and exits are defined via corridors, mouth-nose protection must be worn, the minimum distance of 1.5 meters must be observed and unnecessary group formation and contacts avoided. In addition, regulations apply for the ventilation of rooms, regular hand washing, the use of disposable gloves and the disinfection of objects. An entry ban is issued for all risk persons. In the comparatively very large high-voltage laboratory, the number of people is limited to eight students (in two groups) as well as two laboratory employees and the lecturers.

Detailed planning is underway at FHWS for the written exams. Some lecturers alternatively offer oral exams, for which no large rooms are needed. Zink at the end of the interview: “You have to wait for the assessment at the end of the semester and see how the students assess the situation. So far, I have observed a great deal of discipline, good participation and a lot of effort to ensure that everything runs smoothly.”

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