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The teacher taught high school for fifteen years without a diploma

He boasted of having a good curriculum: master’s degree in history, master’s degree in modern literature, both awarded by the University of Avignon. However, these diplomas were fake. But this inhabitant of Pertuis, in the Vaucluse, aroused no suspicion and the deception lasted fifteen years, reports France Provence blueTuesday 23 August.

Now 48, this woman had presented false documents to teach in private high schools in Aix-en-Provence since 2003. The directors of the institutions saw nothing but dismissal and the false teacher was able to practice, despite her lack of qualifications . She was then a teacher from 2003 to 2013 in a first high school, then from 2018 in another private high school in Aix-en-Provence. However, the management of the establishment ended up wondering about these pseudo-masters of modern history and literature.


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Summoned by the Avignon carabinieri, the usurper then admitted the facts and explained to the investigators that “it wasn’t serious” and that she “had never had problems as a teacher”. The latter was released. He will appear before a judge next March.

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Last May, the guest of M6 and RTL was Julien Courbet identity theft victim. An imposter posing as him was chatting with his fans on Skype and asking for money in exchange for autographs. It was Julien Courbet himself who revealed the scam during his radio show. “I have an acquaintance of mine who calls me saying: ‘I have my cousin’s daughter who apparently talks to you on Skype’ (…) In reality it’s not me”, he said, specifying that it was not the first time that this type of scam happened to him.


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