Home » today » World » The teacher-manager model in Sofia is exhausted! BSP is already testing candidates for mayor of the capital – 2024-08-12 17:12:43

The teacher-manager model in Sofia is exhausted! BSP is already testing candidates for mayor of the capital – 2024-08-12 17:12:43

/ world today news/ We are not looking for a new “retired pilot”, such statements border on human stupidity. “Sofia’s Rumen Radev” is a search for success in the local elections in 2019, similar to the success achieved by Rumen Radev in the presidential vote, the leader of the BSP-Sofia and head of the group of advisers of the left, Kaloyan Pargov, stated in an interview for OFFNews.

Mr. Pargov, why did such a scandal happen with MP Prof. Ivo Hristov – because of the support of the thesis that the Red Army saved the Bulgarian Jews or because of the insult to the Bulgarian citizens that 80% are morons?

Presenting the thesis about the role of the Red Army in the media in this way looked a bit like fake news. Let’s ask ourselves the question: “If Hitler had won completely in Europe, would there have been any Jews left alive?” The answer is clear. It’s about governments and societies in Europe coming to terms with the course of the Second World War. Including the politicians in Bulgaria during the time of fascism, whose existence in our country has been denied a lot lately, unfortunately. As well as the anti-fascist movement.

What was hinted at is that the course of the war predetermines what will happen to the Bulgarian Jews – the act of saving itself is not denied by anyone. All Jewish organizations in all countries where they are active, including the Bulgarian ones, recognize the role of the anti-fascist struggle for the victory over fascism and Hitlerism.

And the words of Prof. Ivo Hristov, respected representative of the academic community, MP from the civil quota of BSPwhich he omitted, are the result of emotion rather than of serious thought. He offered his apologies. There have been similar cases with other politicians, including the current prime minister. It is now used as a counter attack against the attacks of BSP to the rulers.

But that this is no justification for the act is undeniable.

Have you already gone to see the lion in front of the NDK, do you like it?

I was very impressed that people did not perceive it as a shrine, but took pictures and selfies, which is indicative of what the municipality has done. He tore down a monument that symbolized 1,300 years of the Bulgarian state and put up a lion for people to take selfies with.

Now we are making a second mistake – someone decided to donate something to us, which seems priceless to him, to place it in the center of Sofia, regardless of the fact that this is the place of the former mausoleum. I’m talking about The Bronze House. A month ago to the committee on culture from BSP we proposed to build a monument to Khan Asparukh at this place. There is no such monument in our country. This is a visible part of the capital, hundreds of foreign tourists, citizens pass by on foot, cyclists, and in cars. A monument to Asparukh would symbolize the unity of Bulgarians during different periods, including difficult ones.

Okay, we’re going to put this “Bronze House” that people already call the “Bronze Mausoleum” for a year. But let the institutions start preparing for this place to have a monument to symbolize the unity of the Bulgarian statehood and people. Let’s say in front of everyone that we unite around this.
I think that Sofia deserves this as a capital. Something to unite us, regardless of party affiliation and left-right bias.

Speaking of unification – is it more united BSP after the October congress?

Throughout the history of BSP – For 126 years, the left has manifested itself in various forms. C BSP dialogue – whether louder or not, has always existed and is part of the party process. Such situations have happened before and will happen again. They should not be given so much importance.

What do you mean by “similar situations”?

I mean discussions about the way of making politics, the participation of the party in political life, the way of leading the party… And of course – priorities and goals. The Congress was an emanation of all this, it could have happened in a better way, but it is a food for thought.

Wouldn’t there be a need for a monument in front of Positano to help as a symbol of unity?

I am talking about statesmanship and statesmanship approach, I put them first before party interest. It is below the national one.

You first spoke before the congress about a vote of no confidence, now it will be imported, is this a national interest?

Yes, during the City Conference of BSP in Sofia. A vote of no confidence best shows an opposition party’s disagreement with the way the country is being run. If we make a comparison with the votes that were submitted by the parliamentary group of BSP in the previous parliament, when our deputies were much smaller in number, this was part of the opposition’s behavior. Otherwise, you say – things are not good, but we accept them. Which does not correspond to our speaking.

And isn’t the vote what you were talking about before the congress – BSP to stop introspection and take action? That is, a vote that will help more BSPthan lead to the fall of government?

No, this vote should show those in power that the level of self-forgetfulness, of a sense of impunity, has reached a critical point. They need to be enlightened a little. To realize where they are and how they manage. Not only at the central level, but also in places. We are talking about a whole model, about a system of government that produces ugly effects in the country as a whole.
And in the lack of feeling among citizens for that justice, in the name of which GERB came to power in 2009. This was the main promise of Borisov, with which he won against the Triple Coalition.

If there are snap elections after the presidency, BSP will he be able to win them?

The fact that elections are coming up causes the party structures to start mobilizing. Our electorate is also mobilizing. BSP it must be ready for elections, regardless of whether they will be early parliamentary or regular European and local ones.

And the idea BSP to appoint “Sofia” as mayor of the capital Rumen Radev” is it picking up speed?

This is not just an idea but a quest for success in the 2019 local elections similar to the success achieved by Rumen Radev of the presidential vote. I heard comments that BSP looking for another “retired pilot” and the like that border on human stupidity.

We are looking for someone who is a good manager, preferably an architect or civil engineer, because it is obvious that the teacher-manager model is exhausted. It amounts to the absorption of several hundreds of millions of European funds. With them, the foundation of a central infrastructure was built – even the subway, on several occasions. So far. The buildings of all kindergartens and schools have not been renovated. Now they remembered the ordinance for order and security in Sofia, which has not been changed since 1993… And on the eve of the presidency due to the fear of protests in front of foreigners and the need to explain why these people are dissatisfied. I also do not understand the reasons for closing this or that boulevard, creating a pedestrian zone – as on Vitosha Blvd., without thinking about the surrounding space, how the people living on the neighboring streets will move, how the objects will be loaded, etc. .n.

For another year, we repeat that the economic framework of Sofia’s transport system is not optimized, that the passenger, not the money, should be the focus of attention, that the municipality is a stepmother to the people from the outlying neighborhoods.
People want improvements to the neighborhoods in which they live. Even the neighbors of the mayor Yordanka Fandakova protested.

Sofia’s budget for 2018, which is about to be adopted, must have a completely new philosophy. There are places where the foot of the municipality has not set foot since the time of socialism. Everything is left to its own devices, which is already a problem. We understand that money is not always enough, but pressing problems must become a priority.

What do you think should be done in Sofia?

Administrative restructuring of the capital is necessary, reducing the number of districts, creating the possibility of electing district municipal councilors and reducing the number of city councilors in SOS from 61 to 31 or to 21. Solving problems at the lowest possible level – the district level, which is closest to people. To feel that the taxes and fees they pay are returned to them by the municipality as a concern for improving the environment in the area in which they live. Decentralization of the regional municipalities is necessary, for them to have their own budgets and to solve people’s problems locally.

Do you already have someone in mind as a candidate for mayor of Sofia?

We conduct a survey of public opinion so that this image of a manager can get specific features. And then to superimpose certain personalities on it. It can also be a person who is a good manager in the IT sector, if we want Sofia to truly become a digital capital.

People will project the image of the person they want to rule them. The study is also with focus groups to see what expectations the different communities have.

And why don’t you want to run for mayor of Sofia?

Assessing the psychological and political attitudes in Sofia over the past 28 years, we realize that we would hardly succeed with a purely party candidacy, regardless of who it is. I believe that the time has not come for such an application.

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