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the TAR suspends the ASL provision

According to the Piedmont TAR, the quarantine imposed by the ASL “appears illegitimate”. Even the TARs of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Campania have agreed with the League

The Serie A League won three of the four appeals filed against the provisions of the ASL local: the TAR of Friuli Venezia Giulia, That of the Piedmont and that of Campania they agreed with the League after the provision of the forty, by the authorities, for Udinese, Turin and Salernitana, with negative players who are therefore no longer in isolation. The TAR dell’Emilia, instead, confirmed the quarantine for the Bologna. The 21st day of Serie A will therefore be played almost entirely (only Cagliari-Bologna jumps), but there is still uncertainty about the dates and times of some matches.

The satisfaction of the Football League
Lega Serie A, in a note, “expresses its utmost satisfaction with the judicial rulings of the various TARs (Piedmont, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Campania) which recognized the validity of the appeals against the measures of the Local Health Authorities that had prevented some formations from A continuation of one’s sporting activity “. “These decisions – concludes the League – give good hope, as reiterated several times in recent days, that it will be possible in a short time to standardize the interventions of the local ASL in compliance with the law and sporting protocols”.

The risk of slippage to Monday remains

The TAR of Friuli Venezia Giulia accepted the appeal presented by the Football League against the provision of the Friulian health authority which prohibited the dispute of the Juventus team’s matches against Fiorentina (last Thursday) and Atalanta (tomorrow), following the contagion from Covid which involved 12 players and three staff members. TheAnsa from the Friulian club. The decision of the TAR therefore authorizes that tomorrow’s match, scheduled at the Dacia Arena in Udine at 16.30, will be regularly played (but there is the possibility of a postponement to Monday).

Atalanta, three new positives at Covid
“Atalanta BC announces that three members of the team group tested positive for Covid-19 after the swabs performed yesterday. The Company has activated all the procedures envisaged by the protocol in force and informed the Authorities for related procedures”. The Bergamo club communicates this on its official website.

Bianconeri in 13 only thanks to the Primavera
Udinese does the math and discovers that there are 13 – minimum number of athletes required by the new Protocol – for the home match against Atalanta only thanks to the Primavera players. From what has been learned from the company, there will be at least one goalkeeper, but there have been no other exceptions to the violation of privacy in relation to the 12 positive players at Covid and, therefore, the names of the enlisted players are not known. Looking at the official list deposited in the League, however, it turns out that, to date, the Juventus team can only count on 23 effective, from which the 12 positives must be removed. In fact, during the break, the contracts with Teodorczyk and Forestieri were terminated, while Samir was sold to Watford. Pereyra will remain in the pits due to injury for at least another month and a half. A curiosity: among the 23 currently in the squad there is also Stryger Larsen, who has not been called up for two months after deciding not to renew the expiring contract.

Is it played on Sunday or Monday?

The Piedmont TAR accepted the appeal of the Lega di A suspending the quarantine in which Turin was due to an ASL provision of last January 5 and therefore the match against Fiorentina will be played, but there is uncertainty about the date: view the suspension of the measure, the game could also be played Sunday at 2.30 pm as scheduled, but considering the stop of Torino in the last few days, the hypothesis of postponement remains standing Monday 11 January at 6.30 pm. Situation in evolution therefore, the next few hours will be decisive and the results of the buffers to which the team of the Toro group, expected for the afternoon, will also play an important role.

The press release from the Piedmont Tar
“The ordinance of the ASL must be suspended which, having ascertained that 8 cases of positivity to Covid-19 have occurred in the” Team Group “of Torino FC, has ordered the ban on the removal from the home of all members of the group – prescribing the isolation obligation for positive swab subjects and, at the same time, the general ban on removal from home for asymptomatic subjects (vaccinated and unvaccinated) – and not only the 8 subjects subjected by law to quarantine, but also the subjects subjected to the self-surveillance regime governed by art. 2 of legislative decree 229 of 2021, not allowing the Torino FC team to “get on the bubble” according to the procedures established by the circular of the Ministry of Health of 18 June 2020, with the consequence that the team of Torino Calcio cannot take part in the championship matches scheduled for January 6, 2022 and January 9, 2022. In the opinion of the TAR, which decided on a single basis, the ordinance of the ASL appears illegitimate for violation of art. 2, legislative decree 30 December 2021, n. 229, as well as the circular of the Ministry of Health of 18 June 2020 “.

Bologna still without third dose: appeal lost

Healthcare companies will be able to apply quarantine only to those who do not yet have the third dose of the vaccine. For this reason the only recourse lost is that against the TAR of Emilia Romagna: as reported Republic, the Bologna players have not yet received the third dose, so the match against Cagliari will be postponed.

Ticket sales suspended
Cagliari-Bologna increasingly distant: the sale of tickets was also suspended after the Sardinian club learned that the Bolognese club forwarded the request to postpone the match to Lega Serie A. The match for the calendar is still scheduled for tomorrow at 2.30 pm at Unipol Domus. But now, after the request from Bologna due to the Covid cases that forced the Emilians to train at home each on their own, a signal from the League is expected to understand how to behave tomorrow. It seems certain that, in compliance with the provisions of the ASL, the team will not leave Bologna: the departure was scheduled for this afternoon. Cagliari, for its part, is ready to adapt to federal provisions: if no new indications were to arrive, the team would normally present itself at the stadium to wait for the referee’s whistle to start. But in the next few hours the provisions of the League should arrive, which is monitoring a constantly evolving situation on a case-by-case basis.

Asl Salerno: “Not even the time to present the defensive briefs
“We have taken note of the decree of the Tar. They didn’t even give us time to present our defensive memoirs. Among other things, it must be said that yesterday we had already issued an end-of-quarantine provision for 13 people, 9 players and 4 members of the Salernitana team group, who had been released following a negative buffer. Therefore, we had already modified that provision. “The Covid manager of the Salerno ASL, Arcangelo Saggese Tozzi, told ANSA about the provision with which the Salerno TAR accepted the appeal presented by Lega Serie A against the provision of the Local Health Authority. “In the decree – adds Saggese Tozzi – the existence of a protocol is claimed which, among other things, the League itself changed on January 6, issuing a new one. It was probably so in force that they needed to change it“.

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