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The Talon-Talata Duo in a charming operation in Natitingou

Natitingou, March 27, 2021 (ABP) -President candidate for the presidential election on April 11, Patrice Talon, and his running mate, Mariam Chabi Talata Zimé, at a life-size meeting, held this Saturday, at the departmental stadium de Natitingou, have made a commitment, once elected, to maintain the development dynamic launched since 2016 in Benin, by linking, in particular, all the municipalities of Atacora by bitumen and by asphalting the rest of the secondary axes of the town of Natitingou.

In a gold-colored Sahelian outfit, made to measure, with folded sleeves, a black cap on the head and sunglasses, the candidate Patrice Talon, with his vice-president at his side, was greeted with popular jubilation, made of slogan, “Talon-Talata KO”, “Dynamic Tata”, and “Natitingou ready for the KO”.

“I didn’t come to campaign because you don’t need to campaign at home, in your house, I just came to greet you, I came to galvanize you so that on April 11 we amaze Benin, I I will take this opportunity to remind you of what we still need greatness ”, introduced Patrice Talon, just after the welcome word from the mayor of Natitingou, Taté Ouindéyama.

Without dwelling on the achievements of his past five-year term, the president candidate for his re-election, in his charming operation, made a point of honor on the challenges that still remain to be met over the next five years.

Thus, from the continuation of asphalting in the city of Natitingou, to the completion of the vast project of access to drinking water by all Beninese, through the revitalization of educational training offers, from primary to primary school up to at the top, the duo of the presidential movement, through the voice of its president, reassured the population of Atacora, of its ability, in a collective drive, to meet the expectations of each other, once confidence is placed in them by a massive vote, next April 11, for the next five years. “In the field of youth employment, the challenge is still major, to boost the economy so that it has more and more jobs, we are capable of it”, reassured the candidate president.

In his own elegance and with a certain conviction in tone, Patrice Talon also made the commitment to link all the municipalities of Benin, including in particular, Kouandé, Materi, Cobly, Pehunco and Kérou by bitumen. “He will no longer have this commune of Atacora where the dust will be the traveling companion”, promised the candidate of the movement.

The Talon-Talata Duo, once elected, intends to further boost the health, agriculture and craft sectors. “30 new high-level agricultural schools will be created and that of Natitingou will be rehabilitated, to train young people in trades, three thousand health workers will be recruited, we will continue with the equipment of health centers, nearly 200 ambulances are planned. “, Among others enumerated, the candidate president.

Patrice Talon, moreover, called on the populations of Atacora, to come out en masse on April 11, for a high turnout in the election. “In addition to voting overwhelmingly for the Talon-Talata duo, the evening of April 11 must be at least 90% participation rate,” said Patrice Talon.

Before this call from the candidate Patrice Talon, its vice president, Mariam Chabi Talata Zimé, returned to the evils, which, since independence have mortgaged the development of Benin until 2016, when President Talon came to revolutionize things. .

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