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The Taliban summon interpreters for the Dutch

Interpreters are in hiding, but their relatives can be held accountable for their actions if they do not appear in court. They can then be “severely punished to teach lessons to other traitors,” according to one of the letters shown by the NOS. The television said that the addressee, who worked for the Europol mission in Afghanistan, was suspected of working as an interpreter for foreigners and receiving “their shameful and forbidden money” for it.

“We will take revenge. If we fail to catch you, we will deal with your loved ones, ”says another letter, in which the interpreter in question is accused of the death of Taliban fighters.

According to the NOS, all indications are that the letters with the official stamps were actually sent by the Taliban, but it is almost impossible to verify this with the government movement.

The television said it was in contact with dozens of interpreters and people who worked for the Netherlands and that their situation was becoming more and more dramatic.

In June, the Taliban called on Afghan interpreters for international forces to die, but to stay in Afghanistan even after the departure of Western troops. They are said to be in no danger. After seizing power, the Taliban declared a general amnesty for all government or military officials. However, despite the insurgents’ promise not to take revenge on their opponents, a UN secret report states that they are persecuting those who have cooperated with foreign forces, the AFP agency wrote.

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