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The Taliban have taken over Panjsher, control all of Afghanistan?

Photo: Reuters / archive

Taliban forces have established full control over Afghanistan, including the Panjshir Valley, where they have met resistance, Taliban sources said, and a festive shooting was heard in the capital Kabul, Reuters reported, quoted by BTA.

“By the grace of Almighty Allah, we control all of Afghanistan. Those who created trouble have been defeated, and Panjsher is now under our command,” the Taliban commander said.

Messages cannot be confirmed at this time.

At the same time, former Afghan Vice President Amrula Saleh, one of the leaders of the resistance, told Tolo News that the information that he had fled the country was incorrect.

Earlier, it became clear that former Afghan Vice President Amrulah Saleh, who had declared himself acting head of state after the Taliban took over Kabul, had left the northern province of Panjshir and headed for Tajikistan. This was announced today by a source from Kabul.

“The situation in Panjshir is very complicated. The Taliban are besieging the area from four sides, blocking the province’s access to internet, electricity and telephone. Last night, Saleh left Panjshir and headed for Tajikistan. In all likelihood, he is already there.” said the source, TASS reported.

Earlier, Amrula Saleh called on the international community to pay attention to the Taliban’s actions in Panjshir. Following failed talks between the National Resistance Front and the Taliban earlier this week, the Taliban launched an offensive against the rebellious province.

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