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The Taliban Carries Out Public Execution in Northern Afghanistan – Thousands Watch in Sports Stadium

Taliban Carries Out Public Execution in Northern Afghanistan

Taliban Carries Out Public Execution in Northern Afghanistan

The Execution

The Taliban carried out a public execution of a man in northern Afghanistan, marking the third death sentence in the past five days. The execution took place at a sports stadium in Shibirghan, the capital of northern Jawzjan province, in the presence of thousands of spectators. The eyewitness reported that the convict was shot five times by the brother of the murdered man, using a rifle. Amidst heavy snowfall, the stadium was tightly secured to ensure the event proceeded smoothly.

Increase in Executions

The Taliban’s public execution marks the fifth occurrence since their rise to power in August 2021. These severe punishments, including floggings, stonings, and executions, contradict the initial promises of a more moderate rule. The current punishments mirror those witnessed during their previous rule in the late 1990s.

Criticisms and Official Response

The United Nations has expressed strong criticism towards the Taliban for their public display of executions, lashings, and stonings. The international body urges the Taliban’s leaders to put an end to these practices. However, government officials from the extremist group were not immediately available for comment.

Approval and Context

The execution carried out on Monday received approval from three of Afghanistan’s highest courts and Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada, the Taliban’s supreme leader. The executed man, identified as Nazar Mohammad, hailed from Faryab province and had committed the murder in Jawzjan. The recurrence of these executions demonstrates a troubling trend as the Taliban assumes control of the nation after a prolonged period of war and foreign military presence.

Other Punishments

In addition to executions, the Taliban has conducted further public punishments, such as lashings and floggings. Over the weekend, a man and a woman were flogged 35 lashes each in northern Balkh province, while two other individuals faced 30 lashes each in eastern Laghman province for allegedly engaging in immoral acts.

International Concern

The visible and public display of executions and severe punishments has triggered significant concern internationally. The Taliban’s rule, previously expected to adopt a more moderate approach, has instead enforced harsh measures within the country. The United Nations and various world leaders demand an immediate halt to these practices, emphasizing the importance of upholding human rights and civilized values.

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