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The tailor is clear: I will go to the Olympics if I am interested

“Some time ago, Petr Nedvěd called me and I talked about it once with the head coach Filip Pešán. I told both of them that if they were interested, if I did well and I enjoy hockey, I will definitely go. I have represented a few times already, and it has always been an honor for me to put on the jersey, “said the Sternberg native, who left Olomouc for big hockey.

However, he realizes that the Olympics do not even have to take place during a pandemic. “Everything is possible at this time. The last two years have shown this. The world seems to be on a different path than we originally wanted. Therefore, I focus only on what I can influence myself. One is, being vaccinated, the other is my work in Olomouc. I’m glad I decided to play here. When the Olympics come, I’ll direct everything to her, to our national team. It would also be nice to see the NHL guys I’ve played with for a long time, as well as those on the ice against me, “he said.

David Krejčí took over the car for monthly use of the Škoda Enyaq in Olomouc on TuesdayPhoto: Petr Marek

And when he goes to Beijing, only with the aim of importing a medal. “I believe that Czech hockey still has players for that. There are few Czechs in the NHL, but Pasta, Voras, Hertlík are boys who play in the top lines in their clubs. So we have something to build on. If it doesn’t work out. it will be disappointing as always, “he added.

Maybe I’ll come back to the NHL again

He does not miss the best competition in the world yet. “I still play at a professional level in Europe, so I don’t take it that way. Maybe once I’m done and hang the skates on a nail, it’ll be different and it’s empty. But not yet. I still live in hockey. And maybe I’ll come back to the NHL, “the 35-year-old striker admitted.

He is still watching the competition full of stars. “Not live broadcasts, because they are at night, but in the morning I watch the clips and, of course, mainly Boston. They may not be ideal, but they still have more wins than defeats. The problem is that they have a lot of new players. They need some time, and the NHL is good at that. They have 80 matches for that. As soon as they sit down, they will go upstairs, “he said, adding that he is still in contact with former teammates, especially David Pastrňák.

He does not see the Czech national team in such a bad light as has been talked about lately. That’s despite the last loser in the Karjala Cup. “Our performances there, I would not like to evaluate. The boys who deserved to be in the national team played there and only three matches. I know they had problems with the ending, but that’s just the case sometimes. They are quality players and can score goals. The fact that a duel doesn’t work out, that it didn’t work out for them right now, will happen, “he rejects the harsh criticism.

Extraliga has quality

Even the domestic extra league is not a bad competition for him and it did not surprise him in any way. “I already played it in Pardubice, and that probably helped me. I knew it wouldn’t be funny that the players here were good. But hockey is different here. It depends on who I’m playing with. There are a lot of good guys in the NHL. However, they have changed me a lot in recent years. It’s good here that I have a stable right wing and I only had two players on the left. Its fine. we can sit down in training and it’s so much better in matches. The NHL is almost always played, so there’s no time to prepare more together, “he explained.

At the same time, he picked up his teammates from Jan Káň’s attack, with whom they shared a total of 23 goals and 26 assists. “He is an excellent hockey player, he has everything, shot, speed, recording. It’s easy to play with him, “he paid tribute to his right wing. He was most interested in Třinec and Hradec Králové in the extra league.” It’s no coincidence that these two teams are leading the competition, “Krejčí stated.

He did not want to comment on youth hockey, which is also now on the verge of many in the Czechia. “I don’t see how it’s done here. When I was young, we did more sports, we still ran outside. Now is the time elsewhere. Computers, social networks and similar conveniences are running now. I really don’t know how to move youth hockey forward. I don’t even want to talk about it. I haven’t been here in a long time, “he explained.

From left David Krejčí from Olomouc, Tomáš Plekanec from Kladno.Photo: Petr Sznapka, CTK

Sunday, when the Roosters are playing in Třinec, can’t wait. He will meet Petr Vrána there, with whom he has been friends since childhood. “We haven’t had much time together yet. However, we have already called several times. When they played here, we talked ten minutes after the match. We are definitely planning something for January, an event, maybe an ice one. It’s not easy. I’m here, he lives in Třinec and has a house elsewhere. But he’s such a friend that if you don’t see him for years and suddenly meet, it’s like we bumped into each other yesterday, “he explained.

I couldn’t do anything without the team

He and his family have no problem living in America in the Czech Republic after years. “It simply came to our notice then. Little at school, she starts with tennis, football and so far it works. We are also looking forward to the famous Christmas markets here. My wife and children haven’t experienced them yet, so I want to show them. As the snow falls, we’ll ride for points and stuff. My wife has been here with me many times, so she knows what to expect from the Czech Republic. I think she’s happy here. She can’t speak Czech so she can talk to someone, she misses it, but in a restaurant, when she wants to add or have a wine pour, she can say, “she laughs.

He does not overestimate the awards in the Our Leader project for which he took over the electric Škoda Enyaq car for monthly use. “I am not really interested in individual prices. Without a team, teammates, I would never get any. But of course it’s nice that someone notices good performances. And the car is nice. At least I’ll try something new. I look forward to it. It looks nice, I haven’t driven one yet, it has a manual. I’ll walk and see. I probably won’t ride it for a month, but I’ll give it a chance, “added the fighter, who spent 15 seasons in the NHL.

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