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The tactics of the Russians in the Donbass – Chernik explained that Putin does not feel sorry for the military

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin continues to litter the Ukrainian land with his military troupes. Russia has the resource to continue to neglect the lives of its military.

About it 24 Kanala Peter Chernik, a military expert, told. According to him, mobilization in the aggressor country continues constantly.

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Russian tactics

Piotr Chernik emphasized that the only logic that the Russians are now guided by is colossal large infantry “walls”.

Indeed, both in the Bakhmut region and near Soledar, the Russians switched to what is called “endless human ramparts”,
he noted.

According to him, in March last year, the number of occupiers lost by Russia during the war in Ukraine was 3900 people. At the same time, about 900 units of military equipment were missing from the Russians.

“In December, especially in these areas, the Russians suffered losses of more than 21,000 human potential and more than 300 pieces of equipment. Classic “Zhukovism” as such,” he explained.

According to a military expert, Russia is resorting to such tactics in order to deplete Ukrainian forces.

Petr Chernik told how the Russians are fighting against Ukraine: watch the video

Occupants’ plans

Petr Chernik said that, unfortunately, the occupants still have tactical successes.

Will such tactics be abandoned? In my opinion, not now. Putin gave the seventh, eighth, or even the ninth order to go to the administrative lines of Donbass,
he remarked.

The military expert assured that the enemy will make every effort to achieve this strategic goal.

However, so far the Russians are on the losing side, because at least 10,000 square kilometers of Donbass have not yet been occupied.

Putin does not feel sorry for “meat”

Petr Chernik noted that the Russians are still holding on to the front line due to the constant replenishment of personnel. The mobilization wave in Russia did not subside for a single day.

“All these accents of the so-called partial mobilization, the so-called covert mobilization, are nothing more than, again, classical propaganda. The population needs to be calmed down by their potential emotional outbursts,” he explained.

In his opinion, the Russians still have a resource of meat that will be ready to go to die.

Nothing has changed since Stalin’s time. Stalin once argued that the Russians cannot lose on the battlefield. How many soldiers’ lives will be needed, so much will be spent. And then Putin is well aware that he, too, cannot lose on the battlefield,
he said.

The military expert noted that the dictator would be ready to kill several million Russians in order to win the war. In addition, the invaders have something to fight. The issue of the quality of weapons does not bother them.

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