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the symbolic bar of 1000 cases has been crossed, 35 new e

On the eve of deconfinement in the other departments of France, the Coronavirus continues to progress in Mayotte. The symbolic bar of 1000 cases has been crossed.

Coronavirus 1023 case


With such a spread of viruses on the island, all prospects of deconfinement seem to scare those who fear for their health. Because not everyone is afraid of the virus. Many seem indifferent, they go about their business in disregard of the rules of confinement. The authorities are looking for ways to relieve the Mayotte hospital center with the setting up of a care unit with 10 intensive care beds soon. 80 health personnel would also come to reinforce.

Nursing coronavirus
Nursing coronavirus

© Mayotte the 1st

Pending health solidarity with the continuing meeting with patients from the Mayotte Hospital Center evacuated to Reunion. Annick Girardin also announced the arrival of a machine soon in Mayotte to increase the testing capacity. It is currently 400 per day, the goal is to reach 1000 tests daily.

Coronavirus situation
Coronavirus situation


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