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The Svalbard director is linked to Putin and Kim

As Europe blocks Russian trade, a new Russian mining magnate has arrived on Norwegian soil. He is described as different from his predecessors.

Russian Ildar Neverov (37) took over as director of Trust Arktikugol, the Russian mining company in Barentsburg, Svalbard, in August.

IN TEARS: Chechen dictator Ramzan Kadyrov appears to be in tears during Putin’s speech, September 30, 2022. Video: Kremlin / Twitter. Reporter: Vegard Krüger
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Neverov’s background indicates that it is closer to the Kremlin than many of its predecessors. This is the opinion of Per Arne Totland, who has been following Norwegian Svalbard policy for several years.

– Neverov has a different background than its predecessors. A man of his caliber, with entrepreneurial skills and proximity to Putin and the Kremlin, is not put in such a place to run a micromina near the North Pole, Totland told Dagbladet.

Totland is the author of the book “Cold Front – the conflict area of ​​Svalbard through 100 years”.

Neverov’s official resume shows, among other things, that he heads the waste management company Sever Group, a board member of the Murmansk Shipping Company and Bank Sputnik, as well as holding various official positions.

Bank Sputnik is sanctioned by the EU and US authorities.

I talked to Putin

Dagbladet has been in contact with Neverov. Read what the Russian director answers further down in the question.

The 37-year-old is, among other things, the business ombudsman of the President of the Russian Federation for the environment.

PRAT MED PUTIN: Under et seminario i 2015 pratet Neverov med president Vladimir Putin.  Photo: Facebook

PRAT MED PUTIN: Under et seminario i 2015 pratet Neverov med president Vladimir Putin. Photo: Facebook
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On his Facebook profile, Neverov posted photos from travels to North Korea and photos with several Russian profiles. Among other things, he attended a conference where Vladimir Putin spoke.

He took to the stages and was photographed with many other Russian politicians.

– Not in mining Svalbard

Neverov’s mandate is to strengthen the Russian presence in Svalbard, as Totland plays.

– Putting him in the position is another expression that Svalbard is important to the Kremlin, which is why they have appointed a young man as their leader.

Tuesday of this week, wrote the Russian newspaper Journal that Russia will spend around 1.5 billion rubles to modernize Russian settlements on Svalbard. At today’s exchange rate, this corresponds to around NOK 300 million.

Totland points out that the article mentions that in connection with this update they will also invite outside investors.

– What they are really doing is inviting the oligarchs to the north.

According to information from Dagbladet, Neverov conducts outreach activities in Longyearbyen unlike his predecessors. He is seen more often in Longyearbyen and visits more permanent residents, Dagbladet reported. Totland also recorded this.

– You have to be careful

– As for Neverov being in Longyearbyen and having contacts, this is obviously his job. He obviously has intelligence duties. Both the regular Norwegian in Longyearbyen and the Western authorities need to be aware that one must be careful and not naive.

FRONT ROW: Neverov himself shared this photo of Vladimir Putin on his Facebook, from a seminar in 2015. Photo: Facebook

FRONT ROW: Neverov himself shared this photo of Vladimir Putin on his Facebook, from a seminar in 2015. Photo: Facebook
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– Will the mine be a big deal for a man like Neverov?

– Yes, I would think so. It would be strange if a Russian “business hotshot” with links to the Kremlin had as its only job managing a micromine near the North Pole.

Totland believes that the new director, in addition to business activities, has the task of reporting to Moscow on what is happening in business life and in the local community of Longyearbyen.

neverov svarer

Dagbladet contacted Neverov on Friday. He agreed to talk about the environment, tourism, technology, history and his background.

When Dagbladet calls him, however, he has changed his mind.

He chooses to answer some of the questions via email. But Neverov will not respond to allegations about intelligence, his job duties or his ties to Russian leaders.

ABOUT THE SVALBARDS: - In the village of Pyramiden on Spitsbergen, the area is being cleared of the environmental damage accumulated in recent years.  By then the first scrap metal barges from the West Bank and Pyramiden have already arrived in Barentsburg.  Subsequently, the scrap metal must be processed and sent to the final consumer in Russia or abroad, Neverov writes.  Photo: Facebook

ABOUT THE SVALBARDS: – In the village of Pyramiden on Spitsbergen, the area is being cleared of the environmental damage accumulated in recent years. By then the first scrap metal barges from the West Bank and Pyramiden have already arrived in Barentsburg. Subsequently, the scrap metal must be processed and sent to the final consumer in Russia or abroad, Neverov writes. Photo: Facebook
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Neverov writes via email that the background to his employment is that he has been involved in commercial activities in the Arctic for many years and that he has a lot of experience with environmental projects.

When asked about travel to North Korea, he replies that the trips were made due to his role in a business organization.

In conclusion, he writes that he runs outreach activities in Longyearbyen because he likes people in Svalbard.

– I have many friends in different settlements, we like to communicate and want to develop friendships.

– Unusual background

Fridtjof Nansen Institute researcher Anne-Kristin Jørgensen believes Neverov is a new type of leader for Arktikugol.

– These have traditionally had experience from mines or ministries and agencies responsible for energy, mines, underground resources and so on, he tells Dagbladet.

PURCHASED PAMELA'S LIFEJACKET: During a campaign in Vladivostok in 2015, Ildar Neverov bought the life preserver Pamela Anderson used while filming Baywatch.  According to Ria Novosti, he paid three million rubles, which is over NOK 560,000 at today's exchange rate.  Photo: Facebook

PURCHASED PAMELA’S LIFEJACKET: During a campaign in Vladivostok in 2015, Ildar Neverov bought the life preserver Pamela Anderson used while filming Baywatch. According to Ria Novosti, he paid three million rubles, which is over NOK 560,000 at today’s exchange rate. Photo: Facebook
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Jørgensen points out that the Russian authorities are now keen to “diversify” the Russian presence, such as tourism, and to make these activities profitable.

– Then perhaps it is not so illogical to bet on a person with a background in banking, finance and business, who also has international experience. Neverov’s interest in the environment is perhaps also an advantage, there is a great deal of attention on this in Svalbard.

– The risk picture has not increased

The mayor of Svalbard, Lars Fause, tells Dagbladet that he will not comment on Neverov’s past or persona. He points out, however, that none of the Governor’s powers have changed.

– I do not intend to interrupt the management of the activities of Trust Arktikugol. We will still have a clear presence and a clear exercise of authority over the archipelago, he says and adds:

– All the contacts I have with Trust Arktikugol are about how to comply with Norwegian law and what are the requirements for Norwegian territory – which is Svalbard, he says.

Additionally, Fause says the Governor deals with national authorities and receives detailed information.

– The risk picture for Svalbard has not increased, he says.

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