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The “SUT3 D” union refutes the agitated reasons for his departure and speaks of insufficient management

Dakar Dem Dikk workers affiliated to SUT 3D (Unique Union of Workers of Dakar Dem Dikk) welcome the relevance and timeliness of the Head of State’s decision to dismiss Me Moussa Diop, from his duties as Director General of DDD .
This timely decision, according to the union in a statement, testifies if it is still needed, the importance that the Head of State attaches to the development of the activities of the company DDD. For its part, the 3D SUT, which says it has never stopped sounding the alarm bell to inform the authority and users of the need to stop the drifts noted in the management of Me Moussa Diop, reiterates its mission of organization of alert and defense of workers’ interests.
“We have always said that the State has made a lot of efforts through financial support for the company and the provision of new rolling stock. From then on, it was enough simply to have a good manager for DDD to be the company that every Senegalese dreams of. The shortcomings noted in its management have accumulated to the point that to date, there is hardly any liquidity to honor commitments to suppliers, social institutions and workers’ salaries, for the coming months will be mortgaged if the state does not intervene. We have never stopped ringing the alarm bell ”, reveals the SUT3
In addition, having noted the extent of the controversy raised by the dismissal of Me Moussa Diop that some justify by his position on the presidential mandate, the SUT 3D rejects these allegations altogether. “We remain convinced that this argument reinforces the strategy of victimization in which the now ex DG of DDD wants to confine public opinion. To justify his dismissal by a strategic political declaration that he calibrated well, proceeds from a manipulation of opinion. Me Moussa Diop is a master in this art. He knew the road he had taken DDD down was dead end. And to distract everyone, he did not hesitate to shake the political path to justify his dismissal that everyone was waiting for. The manipulation of opinion that we see since the sacking is done on purpose. Its objective is to conceal the serious management errors, the mismanagement, but also the overflowing clientelism with which Moussa Diop led DDD ”, inform the trade unionists.
Finally, the SUT 3D, to invite the transport authorities as well as the users of DDD, to avoid being distracted by those who want to back up the dismissal of Me Moussa Diop to his politician declaration on the presidential mandate.

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