Home » today » Business » The suspension of the Shinkansen raises the need for maglev … The governor of Shizuoka prefecture, who refuses to approve the start of construction, says it is “the fault of Kanagawa prefecture” and some criticize it as “past responsibility”. | Smart FLASH[光文社週刊誌]

The suspension of the Shinkansen raises the need for maglev … The governor of Shizuoka prefecture, who refuses to approve the start of construction, says it is “the fault of Kanagawa prefecture” and some criticize it as “past responsibility”. | Smart FLASH[光文社週刊誌]

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 typhoonDue to the heavy rain brought by the n. 15, the Tokaidohigh speed trainit went out of business on the night of 23 September. Many people were affected by the three-day weekend, and train stations were full of passengers demanding refunds. Shinkansen vehicles are open to the public at three stations in Tokyo, Nagoya and Shin-Osaka.Twitter“Train Hotel” entered the trend.

in this situationSNSMany of the rumors that were seen in 2018 were those that wanted a linear Shinkansen.

《In case the Tokaido Shinkansen stops due to such heavy rain, I want the Linear Chuo Shinkansen to open as soon as possible.》

《When you see that the Tokaido Shinkansen is stopped due to rain, most of the section is hollowed out in a linear fashion, so it is effective as a bypass.》

《There are surprisingly few people who understand that the Linear Shinkansen also acts as a support for the Tokaido Shinkansen, which often stops in the Shizuoka section during typhoons and storms.》

However, the realization of the planned linear system is still a long way off. JR Tokai has set the linear Chuo Shinkansen opening between Tokyo and Nagoya in 2027, but there is no prospect of an opening at this time.

Shizuoka Prefectureit is not allowed to start construction. For the opening in 2027, preparatory work was to begin by mid-2020 at the latest, but there is no prospect for that.

The construction area of ​​Shizuoka is upstream of the Oi River and the main reason for Shizuoka’s opposition is the decrease in water volume due to the construction.

JR Tokai promised to return all spring water to the Oi River.Kawakatsu Heita・ The governor of Shizuoka Prefecture takes a tough stance: “I won’t give you a drop” and doesn’t listen at all. “(Corporate Affairs Department Reporter)

Governor Kawakatsu’s stance has been criticized for some time, but is now even more severely criticized.

“At the regular press conference held on September 22, regarding the delay in opening the maglev line,Kanagawa Prefectureis responsible, ‘he said. I pointed out that the land acquisition for the warehouse to be developed in the city of Sagamihara, Kanagawa prefecture was not progressing, but I was strongly criticized for putting myself on the shelf, which until now had stubbornly halted construction. Masu “(same)

Also on SNS,

《The governor blatantly shifts the blame because he seems unable to cover his responsibilities after continuing to interfere with Rinia. Amazed “

“You are the cause! What made it impossible to open a business by kneading in vain. As a citizen of Shizuoka Prefecture, I am ashamed.”

And it seems to be said harshly.

One of the reasons Governor Kawakatsu has been criticized is that he appears to be fighting.

For example, in December 2016, he criticized the mayor of Shizuoka city, saying, “The city of Shizuoka is an example of the failure of a city designated by an ordinance.” In January 2017, she stressed: “(The members of the prefectural assembly) are professional politicians who have a rotten expression that makes them seem like they don’t want power or money.”

In November 2019 he accused the Mie prefecture governor that “a liar is the beginning of a thief” and in October 2020 “the education level of then Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga was exposed. No,” he said ( then apologized).

In the 2021 House of Council elections, when he supported an opposition candidate, he said: “Over there (Gotemba city) there is only Koshihikari. Here (Hamamatsu city) is eel. Anything is possible. “. The criticism focuses on such words that do not appear to be the governor of the prefecture.

On September 18, Governor Kawakatsu said it would be fine if the maglev Shinkansen was partially opened, saying, “(If it opens), there will be people who will want to drive it.” After all, it seems that the opening of the entire line of the Linear Shinkansen is still a long way off.

( Smart FLASH

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