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The surprising outcome of a stock market that suddenly takes off in a few minutes for news that involves the whole world

There are stock market sessions that have a history of their own. They are linked to particular events that push them or suddenly sink them. But that still transform a session into a memorable day. The one that has just closed is one of them. We analyze the events of the day thanks to the analysis of the ProiezionidiBorsa Experts.

The surprising outcome of a stock market that suddenly takes off in a few minutes for news that involves the whole world

Today is one of those memorable days, the ones you don’t expect, because it was born in a context that is not favorable to the final result. But precisely for this reason, the surprising outcome of a stock market that suddenly takes off in a few minutes for news that involves the whole world is astonishing.

And the news is one that can truly change people’s lives, because it concerns personal health and then that of the economy. The news concerns the Covid vaccine, which the pharmaceutical company Pfizer seems to have identified and tested with 90% efficacy.

We do not dwell on what effect this news can have on the social and economic life of the world. We limit ourselves to underlining that when it came out, the European stock exchanges jumped by several percentage points.

Piazza Affari takes off and closes in flight by 5.4%

Piazza Affari also shot up, exactly at 12.45. A leap that lasted less than 10 minutes and pushed the Milan stock exchange with a gain of over 5%. And then prices stabilized for the rest of the session.

Like an airplane that takes off and once it reaches the desired height, it remains at high altitude. Today exactly this happened on the Milan Stock Exchange. At the end of the day, the blue chip index, the Ftse Mib (INDEX:FTSEMIB), closed at 20,750 points, up 5.4%.

It must be said, however, that two percentage points of the 5 earned are due to the new president of the United States. In fact, when the news came on the stock market, the Ftse Mib index was already up by 2% and was celebrating Biden’s election.

Among equities it is worth noting the result of the best and worst blue chip stock. Leonardo earned 16% for the confirmation of a large order from Germany. Diasorin sold 16%, for having lost the vaccine rush and therefore also a potential important commission from the EU.


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