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The Surprising Health Benefits of Lemongrass: From Cancer-Fighting Properties to Detoxification


Not only useful as a kitchen spice, it turns out there are various benefits and efficacy of lemon grass for health. Photos/iStock

JAKARTA – Lemongrass and lemongrass is a plant that is often used as a spice in the kitchen. Not only that, lemongrass is also often used as a natural mosquito repellent. This plant is usually planted by the community as a medicinal plant in the yard of the house.

Not only useful as a kitchen spice, it turns out there are various benefits and efficacy of stems lemongrass for health. For this reason, many people consume the stems of these plants in the form of lemon grass or lemon grass, or process them first to make essential oils.

Benefits of Lemongrass for Health

Here are some of the benefits and efficacy of lemongrass stalks for body health, which are summarized from various sources on Sunday (20/8/2023).

1. Anticancer

The first benefit of lemongrass is as anticancer. Lemongrass stalks contain citral compounds which can kill damaged cells or cells that develop abnormally. Uniquely, citral compounds will allow healthy cells to live without affecting their performance.

2. Coping with Diabetes

Drinking tea made from lemongrass stalks on a regular basis can normalize the function of the pancreas in producing insulin. Therefore, consuming tea from lemongrass stems can lower blood sugar levels.

3. Treat Anemia

Anemia is a disease characterized by a weak, lethargic and pale appearance. Anemia is usually caused by a lack of iron in the blood, which is the substance responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin.

Lemongrass stalks are known as a powerful natural ingredient for treating anemia because they contain a lot of iron. Therefore, consuming wedang lemongrass regularly is more effective in treating anemia compared to consuming chemical drugs.

4. Overcome Bacteria and Fungus

Lemongrass stalks have antiseptic properties that can kill fungi and bacteria. Almost all types of fungi can be overcome, especially fungi that cause skin diseases.

How to use it is to pound this stem and use it as topical medication.

5. Overcoming Colds and Bloating

Tea made from a mixture of lemon grass and brown sugar has warming properties. Therefore, drinking lemongrass tea can treat colds, flatulence, and accompanying symptoms.

Besides the stems can be drunk as a wedang, lemongrass leaves can also be extracted into essential oil which is also able to warm the body.

6. Removing Toxins from the Body

Lemongrass stems can also remove toxins from the body. The content in lemongrass stems is able to neutralize toxins.

While the antioxidants and antiseptics in it will help cleanse the liver and kidneys. The effect if you use the stem of this plant as a detoxification medium is frequent urination. That’s because lemongrass is a diuretic. Urine that comes out is urine that is mixed with toxins from the body.


2023-08-20 08:51:07
#Benefits #Lemongrass #Health #Overcome #Colds #Diabetes

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