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The Surprising Connection Between Smoking and Tooth Damage

Most people think of tooth-damaging behaviors as eating sweets, or not cleaning teeth immediately after eating, but dentists say that smoking also seriously endangers dental health. (Schematic/Shutterstock)

Most people think that eating sweets or not cleaning their teeth immediately after eating is the most common cause of tooth damage, but dentists say that smoking is also a serious hazard to dental health, because cigarettes make it easier for bacteria to accumulate on teeth, causing tooth decay and periodontal disease etc., and lead to bad smell. In addition, the nicotine in cigarettes will weaken the defense of immune cells, leading to chronic inflammation of the human body. At the same time, it contains a variety of carcinogens, which will greatly increase the risk of various cancers in the human body.

Dentist Huang Wenlong said in his fan blog that in addition to food, smoking also seriously damages teeth, because cigarettes have 4 major hazards to teeth:

1. Bacteria are easier to accumulate: smokers are prone to dental plaque, and the chemicals in tobacco can irritate the oral mucosa, causing chronic inflammation, making it easier for bacteria to accumulate and multiply.

2. Weaken immune function: Nicotine will shrink the microvessels in the oral cavity, reducing the blood volume in the blood vessels, which is not conducive to the organization to obtain nutrients, thereby weakening the defense of immune cells.

3. Tooth discoloration: Harmful substances in tobacco will penetrate into the tiny pores on the surface of the teeth, making the teeth dull and yellow. Long-term smoking will make the teeth discoloration more serious.

4. Severe bad breath: When oral bacteria increase, the bacteria will secrete enzymes to decompose the periodontal tissue, resulting in an unpleasant smell. In addition, smoking reduces saliva secretion, making it easier for bacteria to grow in the mouth, forming a vicious circle with bad breath.

He reminded that quitting smoking as soon as possible is of great benefit to all kinds of health such as teeth. For a good tooth and a healthy body, addicts should stop smoking.

★ “China Times News Network” cares about you! Smoking is harmful to health, smoking cessation hotline: 0800-6363

2023-04-25 04:46:26

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