The size of the penis can be estimated based on this body part.
We’ve probably all heard what is said about a man with big feet and big hands. It is generally believed that you can tell the size of a man’s penis by looking at the size of his shoes and gloves. However, a surgeon has revealed that a different body part can actually be a sign of a well-endowed man.
Doctor, urologist Lena Malik reveals that the size of the penis can be determined by the length of the nose. The observation is based on a Japanese study, which found that the length of the nose correlates with the length of the penis, not the length of the arm or leg, as has been stated before. The researchers examined the bodies of 126 middle-aged men. The length of the nose was measured by measuring the distance between the person’s eyes and the starting point of the nostril.
Another South Korean study supports the findings of the Japanese group. Researchers recruited 1,160 men in their 30s and measured the size of their noses compared to their non-erect penises. A study published in the journal Translational Andrology and Urology found that while men with larger feet had a wider penis circumference, their masculinity tended to be larger if they had a larger nose.
Source: DailyMail.
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