Home » today » News » The Supreme Court confirms almost 70 years in prison for a pedophile photographer from Tenerife who abused minors | Courts

The Supreme Court confirms almost 70 years in prison for a pedophile photographer from Tenerife who abused minors | Courts

The Supreme court has confirmed a conviction of 66 years in prison for a pedophile photographer from Tenerife who took pornographic photos of twelve minors between 2014 and 2017, also sexually abusing some of his victims. The pedophile, who just before had been convicted in another case For doing the same with more children on the island, he took advantage of his work as a photographer to “satisfy his lower instincts of a sexual nature” and end up abusing minors in half of the cases until their families began to report.

The first cases, according to the sentence to which the SER string, began in 2014 in Tenerife, just four years after being firmly convicted of doing the same with other minors whom he had met in various churches in the north of the island. He contacted the boys through social networksSome even knew about his activity as a photographer through schoolmates, and once in the photo session “he asked them to undress completely, showing their sexual organs and also I sent them pictures of their sexual organs or of other completely naked young people or having sexual relations in order to convince them to do the same “.

On six occasions he sexually abused minors. He did it “taking advantage the sexual climate consciously prepared “and also taking advantage of” the trust generated in the minors with the promise of helping them achieve success in the world of fashion. “The first complaint from the mother of one of the minors came in November 2017 before the Civil Guard and then, in a cascade, those of the families of the rest of the victims.

Now it has been the criminal chamber of the Supreme Court that has confirmed the sentence imposed in the first instance by the Hearing of Santa Cruz de Tenerife: sixty-six years in prison for eight crimes of corruption of minors, four of exhibitionism and six more than sexual abuse. The sentence also explains that it must compensate its victims with amounts that add up to a total of more than 50,000 euros and prohibits them from accessing the third degree prison before serving half the sentence, having to attend sex education training programs.

The “abundant” evidence

The sentence, which has had the magistrate as rapporteur Eduardo de Porres, reproaches the pedophile for having raised new questions on appeal but enters to study some of them, rejecting his appeal outright. The judges begin by endorsing the search at his home urged by the Prosecutor’s Office in which the pedophile material was found: “The intervention in the home of the investigated person and the preliminary examination and seizure of the equipment and the computer and telephone terminals were judicially authorized measures by means of motivated resolutions and adopted previous fulfillment of the legally established budgets “.

The Supreme Court has confirmed the sentence of 66 years in prison / EFE

The judges also deny that he was convicted without sufficient evidence. “The evidence that supported the conviction it was abundant and it was not limited to the content of the victims’ statements. On the other hand, the assessment of the relevance of the denied question cannot be done in isolation “, explains the second room.

History of child abuse

By the time he started harassing the first teenagers in 2014, this photographer had not finished serving a sentence for do the same with more children. The Court of Santa Cruz de Tenerife sentenced him in 2009 to more than four years in prison for doing the same with three minors between 2005 and 2007: in that case he was “a photographer of the Easter processions from various churches of La Orotava“and he contacted the boys” taking advantage of their age and their situation, as they had a relationship with the aforementioned churches, either because they were altar boys or because they belonged to music bands. “

On that occasion, the pedophile contacted the minors through Messenger and made an appointment with them for photographic sessions in hotels in the Cross port, north of the island of Tenerife. Sessions of pornographic photos that sometimes ended in abuse, later disseminating the images through the internet. That sentence was imposed on him in 2009, declared final a year later and terminated in January 2017: by then he had already been harassing his new victims for three years.

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