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The superstar sleeps in this caravan

“Why should I change that now?”

Things couldn’t go any better for Ramon Roselly. After his victory at DSDS, the next hammer news comes straight away: his single “Eine Nacht” got it straight away topped the ITunes charts. For the 26-year-old, however, this is no reason to take off. That could be due to its origin. Ramon grew up in a showman family and has never lived in a real house – and that won’t change anytime soon. You can find out what it looks like in his home in the video.

“It is simply the most beautiful life.”

“I grew up as a circus boy – and that’s not my job, it’s my life. I grew up in a caravan and I don’t know it any other way. I used to spend a day with friends when I was 17 years old Apartment and I went there – what do they do all day long? With us you have to imagine it like this, you open the door in the morning and just live outside on the meadow “, explains the singer in the Instagram livestream with RTL Exclusive.

For Ramon, investing his profit of 100,000 euros in an apartment or even a house is out of the question: “I never thought about buying a house, at most maybe a larger caravan. I grew up so why should I?” I change that now? It’s just the most beautiful life. ” So Ramon remains on the ground, together with his girlfriend Lorena, who also comes from a family of showmen and lives like Ramon in a caravan.

But whoever thought that it was cramped in a caravan like this is extremely wrong. Ramon takes you on a video tour of his family’s trailer park and even gives an insight into his bedroom.

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