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The sun is beating down hard in Orlando

If Quebec knows heat wave on heat wave these days, Florida, it is well known for its temperatures of this kind. For the Montreal Impact players, who are preparing for the “MLS is back” tournament, that does not change much, even if they would take a few degrees less.

“In Orlando, it is much warmer than in Montreal,” recalled with a smile Maximiliano Urruti after training on Monday morning, he who is happy to see that the intensity has not dropped a notch despite all.

To avoid the sun, the attacker goes straight to the hotel after training to stay cool. Nevertheless, the return to the routine somewhat affects the 29-year-old athlete.

“It’s difficult sometimes because we stayed at home for three months and there we can train together,” said the Argentinian. It is the same situation for all the teams of the league. For me, the important thing is to stay focused. We will be 100% for the first game. “

For several seasons already, the Impact has begun its preseason phase in the southern state of the United States. However, the temperature is a little different in spring than it can be in summer. Defender Rod Fanni promises, however, that everything will be fine, starting with training.

«[On a] good feelings, but after, it’s very, very hot, said the Frenchman. You’ll have to get used to it quickly because it’s not at all obvious. It’s very hot. […] We will have to manage these heats, but it will be fine. ”

A little fright

The players of the Montreal club gave themselves a good scare during the weekend, since news from Orlando reported a positive case of COVID-19 in the workforce of Bleu-Blanc-Noir. Fortunately for all, it was only a false alarm and the routine could be reinstalled.

“For the moment, it’s going pretty well. We had a few scares, but everything is fine, ”simply said veteran Fanni.

The long-awaited moment is approaching for players and fans, as the Impact will resume action Thursday against the New England Revolution. Duels against Toronto FC, then against DC United, will follow.

– The TVA Sports channel will broadcast matches from the MLS resumption tournament on Wednesday. In particular, she will present the three parts of the Impact in the group phase.

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