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The Sun: A Flaming Gas Spherical Star That Radiates Light and Heat

A flaming gas spherical star radiates light and heat, and a number of planets revolve around it. In the Milky Way galaxy there are billions of stars around which a huge number of planets revolve, and most of these stars are gaseous spherical shapes in which nuclear reactions occur that make them radiate heat and light, so we will try in the coming lines of the contents of the site to get to know the star in our solar system and its most important characteristics and fixation , where we will try to answer the required question.

A flaming gas spherical star radiates light and heat, and a number of planets revolve around it

A flaming gas spherical star radiates light and heat, and a number of planets revolve around it. It is the star of the sunWhich is located in the heart of the solar system and is one of the small stars, and it is a burning mass of hydrogen gases that interact with each other to produce helium gas, and these interactions are accompanied by fusion that results in large amounts of thermal energy, and because of its large size, it attracts the planets of the solar system and affects its climate, which is Of the billions of stars scattered in our galaxy, the Milky Way.

The most important properties of a sun star

The sun has a number of the following properties:

The diameter of the Sun is estimated at 1,392,684 square kilometers, which is 109 times the diameter of the Earth. The sun’s temperature is estimated at 5,500 degrees Celsius, which is a very high temperature. The sun consists of the atmosphere, the atmosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona. The size of the sun is so huge that it can contain more than a million planets inside it. The sun contains huge amounts of nuclear fuel that keep it burning for five billion years. The sun is located in the heart of the solar system, and it is the star around which the planets of the solar system revolve and derive heat and light from it.

components of the sun

The sun consists of a group of gases that exist in varying proportions, including:

Hydrogen gas is 92% and is the fuel for the resulting nuclear reactions. Hydrogen gas, 7.2%, is a product of fusion reactions that occur in the Sun. Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and silicon, which do not exceed 0.2% of the mass of the Sun.

And after reading our article, N.NA flaming gaseous spherical body radiates light and heat, and a number of planets revolve around it In conclusion, we got acquainted with the sun star and its most important characteristics, as we touched on the proportions of its constituent gases.

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